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What was your win this week?

Michael Tharrington on October 28, 2022

Hey folks! πŸ‘‹ Hope everybody is having a fantastic Friday and that you all have wonderful weekends! Looking back on this past week, what was somet...
onyedikareal profile image
Onyedika Ukwueze β€’

I received my Udacity Full-Stack developer Nanodegree Certificate after months of intense learning. I will be applying the knowledge to my mobile app development journey.

h_sifat profile image
Muhammad Sifat Hossain β€’

Yay! dude on fire πŸ”₯

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington β€’
shbz profile image
Shahbaz β€’

We have got the good result from our tool for one of our clients website where our tool has saved our customers 35% customer churned request.

Programming is amazing that enable us to help other business to grow and expnd!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington β€’

Oh heck yeah! That's awesome. Major congrats, Shahbaz! πŸ™Œ

shbz profile image
Shahbaz β€’

thanks! these result for our clients enable us to work for the next week!

varshithvhegde profile image
Varshith V Hegde β€’

Idk if you know just try to google "shahbaz meaning"

codeystein profile image
codeyStein β€’
sylwiavargas profile image
Sylwia Vargas β€’

That is awesome!! Congrats!! How do you feel now that it’s out?

codeystein profile image
codeyStein β€’

I am really enjoying it!

cicirello profile image
Vincent A. Cicirello β€’

Chips-n-Salsa 6.0 is mentioned in the latest edition of the GitHub Release Radar.

sylwiavargas profile image
Sylwia Vargas β€’

Wow! Terrific!

cicirello profile image
Vincent A. Cicirello β€’

Thank you

h_sifat profile image
Muhammad Sifat Hossain β€’

Started a new project called express-ipc and it's almost 50% complete. It let's you handle request over IPC protocol with elegant express-like syntax and can also broadcast data to multiple channels. I'm actually building this for one of my CLI application where I need to communicate with a background service from the terminal emulator / command prompt.

dendihandian profile image
Dendi Handian β€’

This week successfully do the first task of building data lake architecture in my data engineering career: ingesting rds mysql data with lake formation incremental blueprint, but the main challenge is to ingest from different account RDS and still on the work for the next week.

Also, 300K total post views on!

onyedikareal profile image
Onyedika Ukwueze β€’

Thanks Elmeri