A lot of websites nowadays have this feature of having two color schemes for the user to choose, namely "dark" and "light", implementing this is a peace of cake with the help of CSS custom properties (variables) and a bit of ECMAscript. Today I present you a web component that abstracts the ECMAscript part and lets you switch between the themes dynamically.
Using the component is straightforward. The component adds and updates a data attribute "data-theme" to the body element which you can handle in CSS via attribute selectors, so depending on the theme you have you can update your theme variables.
See a live demo before using it.
Usage example
To install it use your preferred package manager.
npm install theme-switcher-component
yarn add theme-switcher-component
In a .html file include and declare the component.
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Theme switcher component demo</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles.css">
<!-- Include the component -->
<script type="module" src="./node_modules/theme-switcher-component/switch.js" defer></script>
<p>Components are not applications, they are just a part of the whole.</p>
<!-- Declare the component -->
<!-- The first element of the array themes defines the default theme -->
<theme-switcher themes='["light", "dark"]' verbose></theme-switcher>
Note: other names in the themes array rather than the typical "light" and "dark" can be defined, for example, "solarized" and "tango".
In a .css file declare in the root selector the css variables to use and change their values accordingly to the two themes defined selecting the body.
/* Define a theme with variables */
:root {
/* Light theme the default*/
--border-color: black;
--bg-color: white;
/* Change variables values accordingly*/
--border-color: white;
--bg-color: black;
/* ... More CSS rules below ... */
After a theme is changed, it gets stored to localStorage
, if you want to see values of the local store and the current theme set the verbose
attribute to the custom element, like the example.
That's it ! Hope this helps you.
If you want more in depth documentation check the github repository
A web component that helps you implement and change two themes on a web page.
And the live demo code.
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