I'd like to share with you how we started using hooks with Provide and Inject. In our application, we have a lot of state we share over child components. We started doing this with global ref
's and actions to update these ref
's. The downside was that we were often in a state that we had to reset those global variables (navigating from and back).
We solved this by using provide
and inject
in the following manner:
const employeeInfoKey = Symbol('employeeInfo');
function provideEmployeeInfo() {
provide(employeeInfoKey, employeeInfoContext());
function useEmployeeInfo() {
return inject<ReturnType<typeof employeeInfoContext>(employeeInfoKey)!();
function employeeInfoContext() {
// use global state/context here
const employeeInfo = ref<EmployeeInfo>();
return function useEmployeeInfo() {
// reference other hooks here
return {
employeeInfo: computed(() => employeeInfo.value),
setEmployeeInfo(newEmployeeInfo: EmployeeInfo) {
employeeInfo.value = newEmployeeInfo;
Provide will always give us a fresh instance of our context. Let me know what you think of this approach.
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