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Python is a general purpose programming language. It is very easy to learn, easy syntax and readability is one of the reasons why developers are switching to python from other programming languages. We can use python as object oriented and procedure oriented language as well. It is open source and has tons of libraries for various implementations

Python is a high level interpreted language, which is best suited for writing python scripts for automation and code re-usability. It was created in 1991 by Guido Van Rossum. The origin of its name is inspired by the comedy series called ‘Monty python’.
Working with python gives us endless possibilities. We can use python in data science, machine learning, Artificial intelligence, web development, software development etc.
In order to work with any programming language, you must be familiar with an IDE. You can find the setup for an IDE for python, on ‘’ and install it on your system. The installation is seemingly easy and comes with IDLE for writing python programs. After you have installed python on your system, you are all set to write programs in python programming language.

(A) Keywords & Identifiers
Keywords are special names that are already present in python. We can use these keywords for specific functionality while writing a python program. While Identifiers are user defined names that we use to represent variables, classes, functions, modules etc.
(B) Variables
Variables are like a memory location where you can store a value. This value, you may or may not change in the future. To declare a variable in python, you only have to assign a value to it. There are no additional commands needed to declare a variable in python.
(C) Data Types in Python

  1. Numbers
  2. String
  3. List
  4. Dictionary
  5. Set
  6. Tuple

(D) Operators
Operators in python are used to do operations between two values or variables. Following are the different types of operators that we have in python:
• Arithmetic Operators
• Logical Operators
• Assignment Operators
• Comparison Operators
• Membership Operators
• Identity Operators
• Bitwise Operators

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