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Month #1: Building a Startup From Scratch

Digital Grey Hat on February 04, 2022

Every year I set myself new unattainable goals for the new year! I never achieved the goals! Year by year passed! I looked at tons of “How To Make ...
bigwebdev profile image

Interesting. But php is not dead at all. With php8.1 its more modern than ever and is still used on nearly 80% of the web. And yeah. It triggers me a bit😄

valeriavg profile image

I don't think that the 80% argument is relevant given that the majority of it is powered by WordPress.
With that said I suggest to rephrase PHP is dead with I feel that other language would be a better fit for me/project.
Unfortunately some developers are often too attached to a particular tool or methodology and take a personal offence when said tool is criticized.

bam92 profile image
Abel Lifaefi Mbula

Completly agree with you. The sentence PHP is dead exists more than 5 yrs ago today, but still WP is eating the web.

curiousdev profile image

Maybe I cannot write much about PHP, but I also think that it is not only still used a lot, but also people just describe it like something useless. It is possible, that if you are about to learn something for your career, it is not the best choice, but it surely is nothing you should regret.

digitalgreyhat profile image
Digital Grey Hat

Thank you, many people have already told me that. It is good to know PHP is not dead! Still, I don't intend to do it in PHP because this year is a new chapter in my life. In addition, I want to start from scratch, since others don't have the advantage of having already learned a programming language.

zakwillis profile image

Have zero interest in php BUT you do so good luck to you.

amineous profile image
Amine Ous

That's right . Php is not dead and there is lot of frameworks and the best I like is Laravel

danstockham profile image
Dan Stockham

"...Now if you want to keep working on WebDev in the coming years, then you should invest some time learning Node, so you don't end up like some folks that know COBOL and only get work maintaining ancient legacy code."

"new" COBOL developers get paid 90k+ a year to maintain legacy code. That's more than most jobs that use modern programming languages at an entry level.

I'd say if you're following the money, then be a COBOL developer.

nguyendhn profile image
Dang Hoang Nhu Nguyen • Edited

Hi, thank you so much for your inspiration. For me, I'm trying to stick with my BetterThanYesterday challenge: post one technical article / thought / resource per day on I believe that if today you're better than yourself yesterday, even just a little bit, you will go a long way from here when you look back one year later. :) Can't wait to see your project go alive! Keep it up! Maybe in the next year, I will do the same as you now. 😄

digitalgreyhat profile image
Digital Grey Hat

Keep it up! That's an awesome challenge!

valeriavg profile image

Thank you for the article, I think it's well structured and I wish you all the luck in your journey!

digitalgreyhat profile image
Digital Grey Hat

Thank you!

mozammilrja profile image

i love your story its very interesting thanks.

seekernik profile image
Nikhil Saini

Awesome article keep i up.

codewithyaku profile image

Great story and inspiring 👍

digitalgreyhat profile image
Digital Grey Hat

Thanks so much!

codewithyaku profile image

You are welcome I want to follow you on this journey

odapx profile image

Excellent article to be honest, keep it up mate!

digitalgreyhat profile image
Digital Grey Hat


369gtech profile image
Steven Mcleod

Love your story and will encompass some of your ideas in my road map for building my web3 gaming ecosystem, Thanks :)

369gtech profile image
Steven Mcleod

OMG just tried out that and I posted my head pic and WOW, how awesome does it look. Thank You - I will ensure your added to my Daily Routine List that I go through first thing in the morning to inspired and keep me upto date with the Web3 Space and Thanks Again.

skywarth profile image

"PHP is dead". Tch. Kids nowadays...Jumping to the "next-big-thing" train every year. No wonder each year we see new JS frameworks that blaze for a moment and go down the horizon real quick.

horace89 profile image

Very interesting. Could you give an URL to the "Eagle" tool you mention?

digitalgreyhat profile image
Digital Grey Hat

meharbansingh profile image
Meharban Singh

Great article! Followed for future updates :)

Suggesting an edit: The link to is broken.

digitalgreyhat profile image
Digital Grey Hat

Fixed! Thank you!

good profile image

Money may be important, but it is not everything in life. Health cannot be bought with money!