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diego michel
diego michel

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Promises in javascript

A Promise is an object that represents the result of an asynchronous computation. That result may or may not be ready yet, and the Promise API is intentionally vague about this: there is no way to synchronously get the value of a Promise; you can only ask the Promise to call a callback function when the value is ready.

Promises are just a different way of working with callbacks. However, there are practical benefits to using them. One real problem with callback-based asynchronous programming is that it is common to end up with callbacks inside callbacks inside callbacks, with lines of code so highly indented that it is difficult to read.

Another problem with callbacks is that they can make handling errors difficult. If an asynchronous function throws an exception, there is no way for that exception to propagate back to the initiator of the asynchronous operation.

Using Promises

With the advent of Promises in the core JavaScript language, web browsers have begun to implement Promise-based APIs.

getJSON(url).then(jsonData => {
    // This is a callback function that will be asynchronously
    // invoked with the parsed JSON value when it becomes available.

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getJSON() starts an asynchronous HTTP request for the URL you specify and then, while that request is pending, it returns a Promise object. The Promise object defines a then() instance method. Instead of passing our callback function directly to getJSON(), we instead pass it to the then() method. When the HTTP response arrives, the body of that response is parsed as JSON, and the resulting parsed value is passed to the function that we passed to then().

You can think of the then() method as a callback registration method like the addEventListener() method used for registering event handlers in client-side JavaScript. If you call the then() method of a Promise object multiple times, each of the functions you specify will be called when the promised computation is complete.

It is also idiomatic to name functions that return Promises and functions that use the results of Promises with verbs, and these idioms lead to code that is particularly easy to read.

// Suppose you have a function like this to display a user profile
function displayUserProfile(profile) { /* implementation omitted */ }

// Here's how you might use that function with a Promise.
// Notice how this line of code reads almost like an English sentence:

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Handling errors with Promises

Asynchronous operations, particularly those that involve networking, can typically fail in a number of ways, and robust code has to be written to handle the errors that will inevitably occur.

getJSON("/api/user/profile").then(displayUserProfile, handleProfileError);

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A Promise represents the future result of an asynchronous computation that occurs after the Promise object is created. Because the computation is performed after the Promise object is returned to us, there is no way that the computation can traditionally return a value or throw an exception that we can catch

The functions that we pass to then() provide alternatives. When a synchronous computation completes normally, it simply returns its result to its caller. When a Promise-based asynchronous computation completes normally, it passes its result to the function that is the first argument to then().

In practice, it is rare to see two functions passed to then(). There is a better and more idiomatic way of handling errors when working with Promises. To understand it, first consider what happens if getJSON() completes normally but an error occurs in displayUserProfile(). That callback function is invoked asynchronously when getJSON() returns, so it is also asynchronous and cannot meaningfully throw an exception.


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With this code, a normal result from getJSON() is still passed to displayUserProfile(), but any error in getJSON() or in displayUserProfile() (including any exceptions thrown by displayUserProfile) get passed to handleProfileError(). The catch() method is just a shorthand for calling then() with a null first argument and the specified error handler function as the second argument.

Chaining Promises

One of the most important benefits of Promises is that they provide a natural way to express a sequence of asynchronous operations as a linear chain of then() method invocations, without having to nest each operation within the callback of the previous one.

fetch(documentURL)                      // Make an HTTP request
    .then(response => response.json())  // Ask for the JSON body of the response
    .then(document => {                 // When we get the parsed JSON
        return render(document);        // display the document to the user
    .then(rendered => {                 // When we get the rendered document
        cacheInDatabase(rendered);      // cache it in the local database.
    .catch(error => handle(error));     // Handle any errors that occur

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This code illustrates how a chain of Promises can make it easy to express a sequence of asynchronous operations.

That promise is fulfilled when the HTTP response begins to arrive and the HTTP status and headers are available.

fetch("/api/user/profile").then(response => {
    // When the promise resolves, we have status and headers
    if (response.ok &&
        response.headers.get("Content-Type") === "application/json") {
        // What can we do here? We don't actually have the response body yet.

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When the Promise returned by fetch() is fulfilled, it passes a Response object to the function you passed to its then() method. This response object gives you access to request status and headers, and it also defines methods like text() and json(), which give you access to the body of the response in text and JSON-parsed forms, respectively. But although the initial Promise is fulfilled, the body of the response may not yet have arrived. So these text() and json() methods for accessing the body of the response themselves return Promises. Here’s a naive way of using fetch() and the response.json() method to get the body of an HTTP response.

fetch("/api/user/profile").then(response => {
    response.json().then(profile => {  // Ask for the JSON-parsed body
        // When the body of the response arrives, it will be automatically
        // parsed as JSON and passed to this function.

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This is a naive way to use Promises because we nested them, like callbacks, which defeats the purpose. The preferred idiom is to use Promises in a sequential chain with code like this.

    .then(response => {
        return response.json();
    .then(profile => {

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Resolving Promises

While explaining the URL-fetching Promise chain with the list in the last section, we talked about promises 1, 2, and 3. But there is actually a fourth Promise object involved as well, and this brings us to our important discussion of what it means for a Promise to be “resolved.”

Remember that fetch() returns a Promise object which, when fulfilled, passes a Response object to the callback function we register. This Response object has .text(), .json(), and other methods to request the body of the HTTP response in various forms. But since the body may not yet have arrived, these methods must return Promise objects.

Let’s rewrite the URL-fetching code one more time in a verbose and nonidiomatic way that makes the callbacks and promises explicit

function c1(response) {               // callback 1
    let p4 = response.json();
    return p4;                        // returns promise 4

function c2(profile) {                // callback 2

let p1 = fetch("/api/user/profile");  // promise 1, task 1
let p2 = p1.then(c1);                 // promise 2, task 2
let p3 = p2.then(c2);                 // promise 3, task 3

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Promises in Parallel

We’ve spent a lot of time talking about Promise chains for sequentially running the asynchronous steps of a larger asynchronous operation. Sometimes, though, we want to execute a number of asynchronous operations in parallel. The function Promise.all() can do this. Promise.all() takes an array of Promise objects as its input and returns a Promise. The returned Promise will be rejected if any of the input Promises are rejected. Otherwise, it will be fulfilled with an array of the fulfillment values of each of the input Promises. So, for example, if you want to fetch the text content of multiple URLs, you could use code like this.

// We start with an array of URLs
const urls = [ /* zero or more URLs here */ ];
// And convert it to an array of Promise objects
promises = => fetch(url).then(r => r.text()));
// Now get a Promise to run all those Promises in parallel
    .then(bodies => { /* do something with the array of strings */ })
    .catch(e => console.error(e));

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Promise.all() is slightly more flexible than described before. The input array can contain both Promise objects and non-Promise values. If an element of the array is not a Promise, it is treated as if it is the value of an already fulfilled Promise and is simply copied unchanged into the output array.

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