DEV Community

Eye-Opening Conversation With A Frontend Colleague 😯

Dillion Megida on September 10, 2019

Just before I begin to narrate this eye-opening conversation, I want to firstly, promise you that; - It would be worth the read. ...
sparkedx profile image
Sparkdex •

You mentioned good stuff, and I probably need to look into them. And about the slacks channel you were talking about. Can you send me link here or in PM? And any good group in slack or anywhere where devs send their queries since reading other people questions helps a lot

dillionmegida profile image
Dillion Megida •

Send your email to me in PM?
I do not know of any groups in slack

sparkedx profile image
Sparkdex • • Edited

I don't see any PM option here in their mobile app. Here's my email, will delete the comment afterwards -

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dillionmegida profile image
Dillion Megida •

Hope you have slack downloaded?

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sparkedx profile image
Sparkdex •


saikiran profile image
Sai Kiran • • Edited

Can you please share with me too, That would be really helpful. Thanks. Great article. This is exactly what I suggest to all my junior devs

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dillionmegida profile image
Dillion Megida •

Hope you have slack downloaded?

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saikiran profile image
Sai Kiran •

Yeah Thanks got it

cosmosomosh profile image
Cosmos Omondi •

Hi Dillion,
This read couldn't have poped on my google feed at the right time. I had just begun the journey towards my passion - coding - when I bumped into your post. It's a good motivation. It's inspired me.
I've completed HTML and I'm now on CSS, then I plan to do Javascript and React; one step at a time. My goal is Frontend.
I subscribed to community and I'm now following you on Twiter. I hope this will help me as I scale. I'll be on the lookout for anything that's positive to my programming journey.

dillionmegida profile image
Dillion Megida •

I'm glad this was helpful, and also I wish you success in your programming journey. My DMs are always open in case you need any help.

I am a frontend developer efficient with HTML, CSS, JS and React. : )

ibinolamichael profile image
Michael Ibinola •

Thanks for this. This is really good !

dillionmegida profile image
Dillion Megida •

I'm glad you found it helpful

albalove profile image
albalove •

Thanks for sharing , which free website course will you recommend I should start with .
I want to pursue Web Development . Front end.

dillionmegida profile image
Dillion Megida •

Check out

They have a very useful roadmap to learn web development.

albalove profile image
albalove •

Thanks for sharing , which free website course will you recommend I should start with .
BinI want to pursue Web Development . Front end.