DEV Community

Use AI to commit like a PRO in 1 second

Dima Sukharev on March 12, 2023

first — let's grow my twitter, so i can tell about my inventions quicker and make the world even better place (or not, idk) I struggled making ...
blackmouse572 profile image

Just to make sure for members who want to use this for your coding life. This will charge your money 💸💸 since you are using costing version of OpenAI 🧠. But luckily, when register the account, you will get ~20 🪙 into your own account and the price is cheaper when oc using low-cost modal unlike chatGPT (~10x cheaper). With that amount I guess you can use for about over a year without any worried 💹💹.

But still, I will suggest you learn how to message better commit since it is required skill for coder inside company or freelancer. Best wishes 🌹🌹

disukharev profile image
Dima Sukharev

i believe you can start using the tool and see how good commits are done, then if you dont want to spend ~$0.5 each day for the AI — you know how to do same :)

blackmouse572 profile image

Brilliant idea, It is a new approach I haven't considered. 😂😂

floschwalm profile image
Florian Schwalm

Nice stuff as long as you are working on open source projects. I'm not quite sure yet if it works for commits that should explain the context or intent of a change rather than just what is done (which could be deducted from the diff anyway if the developer reading it is familiar enough with the field), but for simple tasks that don't need lengthy explanation it is a nice feature.

If working on proprietary code, please be aware that you may be criminally liable for leaking company secrets.

disukharev profile image
Dima Sukharev

yep, it's like sending your code to OpenAI, read their policy pls

corners2wall profile image
Corners 2 Wall

It looks cool.
How about extension for IDE in the future?

disukharev profile image
Dima Sukharev

you can use oc hook set to insert opencommit into the pipeline, IDEs will handle the rest <3

krlz profile image

Oh cool! We need more of this type of things, for commits, for writing stories, for reviewing code .... it's a bright future for AI

disukharev profile image
Dima Sukharev

thanks ;)

ota200 profile image

This is a very useful tool.

disukharev profile image
Dima Sukharev

thanks here :)

bennycode profile image
Benny Code

This is impressive! Thanks for sharing. Will give it a spin! 🧠

disukharev profile image
Dima Sukharev

thank you Benny ;)

k1lgor profile image

is this a fork of aicommits?

disukharev profile image
Dima Sukharev

has the same hook feature, but implements conventional commits and allows you to commit really large files (it's done in chunks)

kirill_t_03ca5b6e65accdbb profile image
Kirill T

can i use it in webstorm?

disukharev profile image
Dima Sukharev

it's a CLI, you can use it everywhere, any IDE. it's also possible to insert it in a git hook, so IDE uses it when you use it's Source Control feature.


oc hook set
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
jessicakuijer profile image

Thank you so much for this amazing chat-GPT tool!!!!!
It will change my life for commits forever! I sucked all the time to explain things with details.

disukharev profile image
Dima Sukharev


jmvk profile image

I expect to see this everywhere soon. Super helpful.

disukharev profile image
Dima Sukharev

thank you!