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Tan Guo Jing
Tan Guo Jing

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My Experience going through Scrimba's Javascript Course

Hello everyone,

I have recently completed this course on the 22nd November 2021, it took me about 2 weeks to complete this course as I was working and trying to make time to learn.

What I like about this course :
  1. You will do the coding and not just a follow along course.
  2. It forces you to do research on google , example : How to store arrays in LocalStorage , save it and retrieve it.
  3. After each project that you built, you'll get a Practice Exercise on the concepts that you've just learnt.
What can be improved for this course?
  1. The only thing I will like to see is more hands-on coding for the students.
What did I learnt from this course?

First Project - Building a Passenger App

  1. Basic mathematical operations in JS
  2. Onclick event listener <button id="save-tab" onclick="save()"></button>
  3. Writing a function that logs out the sum
  4. The DOM - Using Javascript to modify the website
  5. Using Innertext to display the Count
  6. First String Variable
  7. Using +=
  8. Debugging Online - Use TextContent

Second Project - BlackJack Game

  1. If Else Conditional
  2. Boolean Conditions - True/False
  3. Intro to Arrays
  4. For Loop
  5. Push/Pop Method
  6. Math.random() - get random number
  7. The Logical And operator - checking if
  8. Objects - store data
  9. Method on Objects

Final Project - Chrome Extension

  1. Const
  2. addEventListener()
  3. innerHTML
  4. input.value
  5. function parameters - parameters only exist inside function
  6. template strings
  7. LocalStorage
  8. JSON Object
  9. Objects in Array

Thank you for the free course and this is for me to refer back whenever I need to.

Best Regards,
Guo Jing

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