Hey hey hey!
Hope you're having a nice productive weekend while also finding time to relax. 😎
Whether you're sharpening your JS skills, making PRs to your OSS repo of choice 😉, sprucing up your portfolio, writing a new post here on DEV, or just straight chillin', we'd like to hear about it.
Be kind to your mind and remember to unwind. 🧘

Top comments (29)
Completed "12 things you didn't know you could do with DEV part 2".
Releasing next week :)
Sounds interesting 😃
Will def read it when it comes out!
Woww...that looks cool !! Waiting for it :)
Hi everyone, I was on a mini vacation so I published this late. You can find it here.
Any support is appreciated.
😁12 things you didn't know you could do with DEV part 2
Anmol Baranwal ・ May 16
Learning and teaching unit test by writing the article Unit test: A Hands-On Guide with Real Examples - React + Vitest
Nice one! Looks like a handy resource. 🙌
Learning about the cloud and Azure!
I'm planning a new series of posts where I document my learnings here on Dev, it'll be called Learn Azure With Me!
Dope! I'll be looking out for it. 🙌
Nothing...just resting and watching TV.
Been a long week of work and I just submitted my entry for the netlify challenge, so rest is the only thing on my mind
Nice! I think I'll be joining ya on the couch, haha. 🛋
Gonna be a chill weekend for me as well. 😌
I'm currently trying to create my own Linux distro with the help of Fedora.
Oh wow! That sounds cool. Are ya basing your edition on any existing ones? Or what's your flavor of distro gonna be like?
This week I'm learning about web accessibility while building forms that users should be able to complete the form and see a success message upon successful submission,
receive form validation messages if something is missed and the email address is not formatted correctly, complete the form only using their keyboard( I hate when I find something that doesn't work this way), responsible layout, hover, and focus states for all interactive elements on the page.
Teaching Statistics in R-
Very nice! Looks like you put some time into that post! I'm digging the visuals.
You may already know this trick, but in case ya don't, on DEV we offer the ability for folks to embed different things on DEV and from elsewhere across the web. For instance, DEV posts/comments/profiles, GitHub repos, CodePen pens, YouTube videos, Spotify songs, etc.
The basic Markdown for embedding something is written as follows:
{% embed https://... %}
Also, here's an article on embeds that's part of a larger series called Lesser Known Features of DEV.
Lesser Known Features of DEV — Embeds!
Michael Tharrington for The DEV Team ・ Apr 29
Just wanted to let ya know about this in case in the future, you'd like to embed any of your posts in this thread — you're welcome to. 😀
Hope this is helpful to ya! 🙌
Thanks for the tip❤️
Going to the lowest level, learning assembly 😅.
Haha, good luck in there!
Thanks 😅
Actully i have a fundementals of programming course final exam next wed so im going to get a lot of c++ training
Right on! Hope the exam goes well! You got this.
Best of Luck👍
learning Next js 🚀
I've been putting it off for so long. I want them to stop releasing breaking changes every quarter or so.
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