You have surely solved it many times, but the solution was not very attractive. This tutorial is about generating JavaScript code in PHP using the BigPipe library, which is inspired by the Facebook architecture.
The purpose of this library is to rapidly reduce the continuously repetitive code to work with the DOM and improve the communication barrier between PHP and JavaScript.
- PHP 7.1 or higher
- Node 8, 10+.
- Webpack
1. Install composer package:
$ composer require richarddobron/bigpipe
2. Install npm package:
$ npm install bigpipe-util
3. Add this lines to /path/to/resources/js/app.js:
import Primer from 'bigpipe-util/src/Primer'; | |
Primer(); | |
window.require = (modulePath) => { | |
return modulePath.startsWith('bigpipe-util/') | |
? require('bigpipe-util/' + modulePath.substring(13) + '.js').default | |
: require('./' + modulePath).default; | |
}; |
4. Create file /path/to/resources/js/ServerJS.js
- this step is optional, but if you skip it, use this in next step:
import ServerJSImpl from 'bigpipe-util/src/ServerJS'; | |
export default class ServerJS extends ServerJSImpl { | |
} |
5. Add this lines to page footer:
What all can be Ajaxifed?
<a href="#"
rel="async">Remove Item</a>
<form action="/submit.php"
<input name="user">
<input type="submit" name="Done">
<a href="#"
rel="dialog">Open Modal</a>
- setContent: Sets the content of an element.
- appendContent: Insert content as the last child of specified element.
- prependContent: Insert content as the first child of specified element.
- insertAfter: Insert content after specified element.
- insertBefore: Insert content before specified element.
- remove: Remove specified element and its children.
- replace: Replace specified element with content.
- eval: Evaluates JavaScript code represented as a string.
setController: Sets the JavaScript class controller - if you need to register an extra event listeners (show, shown, hide, hidden) or logic.
setTitle: Sets the title of a dialog.
setBody: Sets the body of a dialog.
setFooter: Sets the footer of a dialog.
setDialog: Sets the whole content of a dialog.
closeDialogs: Close all opened dialogs.
closeDialog: Close only current dialog.
dialog: Render defined dialog.
<?php | |
$response = new \dobron\BigPipe\AsyncResponse(); | |
$response->setContent('div#content', $newContent); | |
$response->send(); |
Refresh & Redirecting
<?php | |
$response = new \dobron\BigPipe\AsyncResponse(); | |
$response->reload(250); // reload page with 250ms delay | |
// or | |
$response->redirect('/onboarding', 500); // redirect with 500ms delay | |
$response->send(); |
<?php | |
$response = new \dobron\BigPipe\AsyncResponse(); | |
$response->setPayload([ | |
'username' => $_POST['username'], | |
'status' => 'unavailable', | |
'message' => 'Username is unavailable.', | |
]); | |
$response->send(); |
BigPipe API
- require: Call JavaScript module method. You can call a specific class method or a regular function with the custom arguments.
Example PHP code:
<?php | |
$asyncResponse = new \dobron\BigPipe\AsyncResponse(); | |
// $asyncResponse->bigPipe()->require(["SecretModule", "run"], ... ) | |
// is same as: | |
$asyncResponse->bigPipe()->require("require('SecretModule').run()", [ | |
'first argument', | |
'second argument', | |
// ... | |
]); | |
$asyncResponse->send(); |
Example JavaScript code:
export default class SecretModule {
run(first, second) {
// ...
- dialog: Opens a dialog but can work with multiple dialogs at once.
Example PHP code:
<?php | |
$asyncResponse = new \dobron\BigPipe\DialogResponse(); | |
$asyncResponse->setTitle('Dialog title') | |
->setBody('HTML body') | |
->setFooter('HTML footer') | |
->dialog(); | |
$asyncResponse->send(); |
- transport: Through transport markers you can send HTML content but also transform the content into JavaScript objects (such as Map, Set or Element).
Example PHP code:
<?php | |
$asyncResponse = new \dobron\BigPipe\AsyncResponse(); | |
$asyncResponse->bigPipe()->require("require('Chart').setup()", [ | |
'element' => \dobron\BigPipe\TransportMarker::transportElement('chart-div'), | |
'dataPoints' => $asyncResponse->transport()->transportSet([ | |
['x' => 10, 'y' => 71], | |
['x' => 20, 'y' => 55], | |
['x' => 30, 'y' => 50], | |
['x' => 40, 'y' => 65], | |
]), | |
]); | |
$asyncResponse->send(); |
Demo app with examples
- The demo application is written in Laravel, but this library is framework-agnostic.
⚠️ The demo server does not support HTTPS, so you may need to confirm a security exception.
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