DEV Community

Discussion on: Java vs Python 2020

domas profile image
Domas Juodele

Framework is as important as programming language.

To compare these two language I would say I found much use from Java with Spring Boot working on web api's for complex and not business logic.

Spring Boot has of out of the box and easy setup solid modules egz like spring-data, spring-web which could be compared with Pythons flask-sql-alchemy flask-restfull, but java's one were more straight forward, more focussed on logic, even less verbose(funny ha?)

Spring Boot also gains point for applying autogenerated documentation like swagger also power of Dependency Injection.

I found java code more focused on business logic, but python much better when dealing with numbers or files.

I think the best solutions would be combining these two languages together and using each for what is best for.

j_marathi profile image

Nice, Thank you so much