I'm currently working on an app called Goryon - A twtxt mobile app. One of the few features of the app is it enables you to compose twts (kinda like your twitter message but it allows you to use Markdown).
What we're building
Let's get started
To do that you'll need a TextEditingController
that is connected to a TextField
_textController = TextEditingController()
autofocus: true,
maxLines: 8,
controller: _textController
Then I created a function that surrounds the highlighted text in the text box with a markdown syntax
void _surroundTextSelection(String left, String right) {
final currentTextValue = _textController.value.text;
final selection = _textController.selection;
final middle = selection.textInside(currentTextValue);
final newTextValue = selection.textBefore(currentTextValue) +
'$left$middle$right' +
_textController.value = _textController.value.copyWith(
text: newTextValue,
selection: TextSelection.collapsed(
offset: selection.baseOffset + left.length + middle.length,
left is the string on the left hand side. right is the string on the right hand side.
To make the text bold, you can do:
_surroundTextSelection('**', '**')
Adding a code block
', '
Adding an Image
_surroundTextSelection('![](https://', ')'),
Check out the full code in this repo. That's all for now!
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