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Dora Miller
Dora Miller

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What is SQL and What Its Value?

SQL is the abbreviation of structured query language which is a programming language that developers can use to interact with relational databases. Developers started using SQL back in the 1970s and it still remains in use today.

As a student struggling to master this interesting programming language, you can engage to find the professional help you need. Whether you aspire to be a web developer or a database administrator in future, you should master this programming language because you are bound to use it a lot.

While you’re in college, you can use structured query language to conduct data analyses and manage data integration scripts. You can leverage the institution’s computer lab to gain full access to capable machines you can use to practice how to run effective analytical queries. The best thing about using the school’s resources is, everything is provided, so you don’t have to install any pieces of software before you can set up shop.

Whether you’re working with index database tables or you’re modifying index structures, SQL simplifies your work so you don’t have to manually erase data rows or spend a lot of time accessing data subsets from the system. And since this programming language consists of statement commands, anyone can quickly master it and start using it. Simple commands like delete and update do exactly what they say, so you won’t mix up any commands during query runs.

In this article, you’ll learn more about SQL and its value as a programming language.

It’s Relevance in the Programming World

If you’re a programming student, SQL is one of the standard programming languages you have to learn because it has been the go-to language for relational databases. If you’ve been studying programming for a while, you know that you can not escape dealing with and managing these databases while you’re in school and in the career world.
The good news is, managing relational databases is pretty easy because they are simply rows and columns of data. Each table of content you’ll interact with, will contain a set of data corresponding to a specific category. For example, if you’re managing students’ information, you might have a table with their name or registration numbers.

SQL Standard and Proprietary Extensions

Like most programming languages, SQL has official standard extensions that programmers can access. What’s more, the programming language has gone through several updates ever since it started being used to ensure it simplified commands and streamlines operations.
Currently, SQL:2011 is the version in use because it contains all the updates that the language has undergone over the years. And since technology keeps advancing, it should go without that SQL is bound to undergo additional updates to make it an even more effective programming language.
At the moment, both proprietary and open-source databases built using SQL can be used by organizations across the globe. These databases can be accessed thanks to compatibility with proprietary extensions now available in the market.

Wrapping Up

Now that you know the basics about SQL, you can proceed to learn this programming language knowing how it will benefit you.

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