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Various `lxml.html` techniques explained


This article shows some basic methods of the lxml.html object.

Parsing the HTML:

  • fromstring() The lxml.html.fromstring() method is part of the lxml library in Python, which is widely used for parsing HTML and XML documents. The fromstring() method specifically is used to parse a string containing HTML content and return an lxml.html.HtmlElement object that represents the root element of the parsed HTML tree.

How fromstring() Works

  1. Input: The method takes a single string as input, which should be the HTML content you want to parse.
  2. Output: It returns an HtmlElement object that represents the root of the parsed HTML document. This object is a part of a tree structure that represents the HTML document. You can then navigate, search, and manipulate the HTML content using various methods provided by lxml.

Example Usage

from lxml import html

# HTML string
html_content = """
    <h1>Hello, World!</h1>
    <p>This is an example paragraph.</p>

# Parse the HTML content
tree = html.fromstring(html_content)

# Access elements
h1 = tree.xpath('//h1/text()')[0]  # Use XPath to extract the text from the <h1> tag
p = tree.xpath('//p/text()')[0]    # Use XPath to extract the text from the <p> tag

print(h1)  # Output: Hello, World!
print(p)   # Output: This is an example paragraph.
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Key Points to Note

  • Parsing HTML: The fromstring() method is primarily used to parse well-formed HTML content. If the HTML is malformed, lxml tries to fix the issues during parsing.

  • XPath Support: After parsing, you can use powerful XPath expressions to search and manipulate the HTML elements in the document. This makes it easy to extract specific parts of the HTML content.

  • Differences from lxml.etree.fromstring(): While lxml.html.fromstring() is designed for HTML, lxml.etree.fromstring() is used for parsing XML. They return different types of objects and have different behaviors suited to their respective formats.

Use Cases

  • Web scraping: lxml.html.fromstring() is commonly used in web scraping to parse HTML content retrieved from web pages.
  • HTML manipulation: It allows for manipulation of HTML documents, such as adding, removing, or altering elements.
  • Data extraction: Extracting specific data from HTML documents using XPath or CSS selectors.


The lxml.html.fromstring() method is a powerful tool for working with HTML content in Python. It transforms an HTML string into an element tree, enabling easy navigation, searching, and manipulation of the document.

Parameters of lxml.html.fromstring():

The lxml.html.fromstring() method is primarily used for parsing HTML content from a string. While its main input is the HTML content itself, it also accepts several optional parameters that provide more control over how the HTML is parsed.

  1. html (the main input string):

    • Type: str or bytes
    • Description: This is the HTML content that you want to parse. It can be a Unicode string (str) or a byte string (bytes). If it's a byte string, it is decoded as UTF-8 by default, or according to the encoding specified in the HTML.
  2. parser:

    • Type: HTMLParser (from lxml.html)
    • Description: This optional parameter allows you to specify a custom HTML parser. If you don't provide this, lxml.html.fromstring() uses the default HTMLParser. You can pass a customized HTMLParser if you need special parsing behavior, such as dealing with non-standard HTML or specifying a different encoding.
  • Example:

     from lxml import html
     from lxml.html import HTMLParser
     # Custom parser example
     custom_parser = HTMLParser(encoding='ISO-8859-1')
     tree = html.fromstring('<html><body><p>Content</p></body></html>', parser=custom_parser)
  1. base_url:
    • Type: str
    • Description: This parameter is used to specify a base URL for the document. This base URL is used to resolve relative URLs found within the HTML. For example, if the HTML contains an image with a relative URL, base_url will be used to compute the absolute URL.
  • Example:

     from lxml import html
     html_content = '<img src="/images/pic.jpg" />'
     tree = html.fromstring(html_content, base_url='')
     img_src = tree.xpath('//img/@src')[0]  # Returns: '/images/pic.jpg'
     absolute_url = tree.make_links_absolute(tree.base_url)  # Returns: ''
  1. guess_charset:
    • Type: bool
    • Description: If set to True, the parser will attempt to detect the character encoding of the HTML content if it's not specified. This can be useful when dealing with HTML content where the encoding is not explicitly declared.
    • Default: True when using HTMLParser, but you can turn it off if you're sure of the encoding.

Example Usage with Parameters

Here's an example using all the parameters:

from lxml import html
from lxml.html import HTMLParser

# Custom HTML content
html_content = '<html><body><p>Example</p></body></html>'

# Custom parser (optional)
custom_parser = HTMLParser(encoding='ISO-8859-1')

# Parse the HTML with a base URL and custom parser
tree = html.fromstring(html_content, parser=custom_parser, base_url='')

# Now you can work with the parsed tree
p_text = tree.xpath('//p/text()')[0]  # Extracts the text 'Example'
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  • html: The main HTML content to parse (mandatory).
  • parser: A custom HTML parser to customize parsing behavior (optional).
  • base_url: A base URL for resolving relative links (optional).
  • guess_charset: A flag to guess the charset if it's not specified (optional, typically handled by the parser).

These parameters provide flexibility in how you parse HTML, allowing you to customize behavior as needed.

What is lxml.html.xpath() and lxml.html.findall()? And when to use them?

The lxml.html.xpath() method is a powerful tool for searching and extracting elements from an HTML document using XPath expressions. XPath is a language for selecting nodes from an XML document (which includes HTML, since it is a type of XML). On the other hand, lxml.html.findall() is used for finding elements based on tag names, which is more limited in scope compared to XPath.

lxml.html.xpath() Method

How It Works:
  • Input: An XPath expression, which is a string that describes the path or pattern to the desired nodes in the document.
  • Output: The method returns a list of elements (or other data types) that match the XPath expression. If no match is found, it returns an empty list.
Example Usage:
from lxml import html

# Example HTML content
html_content = """
    <div class="content">
      <p>First paragraph.</p>
      <p>Second paragraph.</p>

# Parse the HTML content
tree = html.fromstring(html_content)

# Use XPath to find all <p> elements within the <div class="content">
paragraphs = tree.xpath('//div[@class="content"]/p')

# Print the text content of each <p> element
for p in paragraphs:
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In this example, //div[@class="content"]/p is an XPath expression that finds all <p> elements inside a <div> with the class content.

  • Versatile: Supports complex queries, including selecting nodes by attribute, text content, position, etc.
  • Advanced Operations: Can return various data types, including nodes, strings, numbers, and boolean values.
  • Supports Namespaces: Useful for working with XML documents that use namespaces.

lxml.html.findall() Method

How It Works:
  • Input: A tag name or path expression (without advanced filtering capabilities like XPath).
  • Output: A list of elements that match the given tag name or path. If no match is found, it returns an empty list.
Example Usage:
from lxml import html

# Example HTML content
html_content = """
    <div class="content">
      <p>First paragraph.</p>
      <p>Second paragraph.</p>

# Parse the HTML content
tree = html.fromstring(html_content)

# Use findall to find all <p> elements (note that you need to specify the full path)
paragraphs = tree.findall('.//p')

# Print the text content of each <p> element
for p in paragraphs:
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In this example, .//p is a simple path expression that finds all <p> elements.

  • Simpler Syntax: Easier to use for straightforward tag searches.
  • Limited Functionality: Cannot perform complex queries like filtering based on attributes or text content. It is generally less powerful than XPath.
Comparison: xpath() vs findall()
Feature xpath() findall()
Query Language XPath (very powerful and flexible) Simple tag/path expressions
Complex Filtering Yes (attributes, text, conditions, etc.) No (only simple tag matching)
Return Types Can return elements, attributes, text, numbers, booleans Only returns elements
Support for Namespaces Yes Limited/No
Usage Complexity More complex (requires learning XPath) Simple (easy for basic searches)
Performance Generally similar, but depends on the complexity of the query Generally similar, best for simple queries
  • xpath() is the go-to method when you need to perform complex queries or extract specific data from an HTML or XML document. It provides the most power and flexibility by leveraging the full capabilities of XPath.

  • findall() is simpler and is best used when you only need to find elements by their tag name or perform basic searches. It’s less powerful but easier to use for straightforward tasks.

In general, you would use xpath() when you need detailed control over the elements you’re selecting, and findall() when you just need to retrieve elements by tag name in a more straightforward manner.

What is the difference between: h1_text = root.find(“//h1”).text and h1_text = root.find(“.//h1”).text.

Understanding the XPath Expressions:

  1. //h1:

    • This XPath expression selects all h1 elements in the entire document, regardless of their position relative to the root element. The // at the start means "search anywhere in the document for this element," starting from the root of the entire document tree, not necessarily from the current context node (root in this case).
  2. .//h1:

    • This XPath expression selects all h1 elements that are descendants of the current context node, which in this case is root. The . at the beginning refers to the current context node, and // means "search anywhere under the current context node."

Practical Difference:

  • root.find("//h1").text:

    • This will search the entire document for the first h1 element, even if it's not a descendant of the root element. If there are multiple h1 elements in the document, it will return the text of the first one it finds in document order.
  • root.find(".//h1").text:

    • This will search only within the subtree rooted at root for the first h1 element. If root contains the subtree you are interested in, this ensures that only h1 elements within that subtree are considered.


Consider the following HTML structure:

    <title>Page Title</title>
    <h1>Main Heading</h1>
      <h1>Another Heading</h1>
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  • root.find("//h1").text:

    • If root is the <body> element, root.find("//h1") will still find the first h1 element in the entire document, which is "Main Heading".
  • root.find(".//h1").text:

    • If root is the <body> element, root.find(".//h1") will find the first h1 element within the <body> subtree, which is also "Main Heading".
    • However, if root is the <div> element, root.find(".//h1") will find "Another Heading" because it restricts the search to the <div> subtree.


  • //h1 searches for h1 elements throughout the entire document, regardless of the current context node.
  • .//h1 searches for h1 elements within the subtree rooted at the current context node (the root element in your code).

When you want to limit your search to within a specific subtree, you should use .//. If you want to search the entire document tree starting from the root, you can use //.

What is the difference between: lxml.html.Element.text() , lxml.html.Element.tail() and lxml.html.Element.text_content()?

The lxml.html module provides several methods for working with the text content of HTML elements. Three important methods related to extracting text are text(), tail(), and text_content(). Each of these serves a specific purpose when navigating and manipulating the text within an HTML document.

1. lxml.html.Element.text()

What It Is:

  • The text() method (or text attribute) retrieves the text that is directly within an HTML element, but only the text that comes before any child elements.

How It Works:

  • Input: This method does not take any parameters.
  • Output: Returns a string containing the text content immediately inside the element, before any nested elements. If there is no text before nested elements, it returns None.


from lxml import html

html_content = """
  Hello, <span>world!</span>
  <p>This is a paragraph.</p>

tree = html.fromstring(html_content)
div_element = tree.xpath('//div')[0]

# Using text() method
print(div_element.text)  # Output: 'Hello, '
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  • In this example, div_element.text retrieves "Hello, " because this text is directly within the <div> element, before the <span> or <p> elements.

2. lxml.html.Element.tail()

What It Is:

  • The tail() method (or tail attribute) retrieves the text that comes immediately after an element, but before the next sibling element.

How It Works:

  • Input: This method does not take any parameters.
  • Output: Returns a string containing the text that follows the element in the document, but before any following sibling elements. If there is no such text, it returns None.


span_element = tree.xpath('//span')[0]

# Using tail() method
print(span_element.tail)  # Output: '\n  '
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  • In the example above, span_element.tail retrieves the whitespace and newline that follow the <span> element, before the <p> element begins. The tail text is the content between the closing tag of the current element and the start of the next element.

3. lxml.html.Element.text_content()

What It Is:

  • The text_content() method retrieves the entire text content of an element, including the text from all nested (child) elements. It effectively concatenates all the text nodes within the element and its descendants.

How It Works:

  • Input: This method does not take any parameters.
  • Output: Returns a string containing all the text within the element and its children, combined together.


# Using text_content() method
print(div_element.text_content())  # Output: 'Hello, world!\n  This is a paragraph.\n'
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  • div_element.text_content() returns the complete text within the <div> element, including text from the <span> ("world!") and the <p> element ("This is a paragraph.").

Summary of Differences

Method/Attribute Retrieves Text From Includes Child Elements' Text Includes Sibling Elements' Text
text() The text directly within the element, before any child elements No No
tail() The text immediately following the element, before any sibling elements No Yes
text_content() The text within the element, including all nested child elements Yes No

Use Cases

  • text(): Use this when you need the text immediately within an element, but not the text from its children.

    • Example: Retrieving the text of a heading element, without including any nested tags.
  • tail(): Use this when you need the text that follows an element, but not part of its direct content.

    • Example: Capturing any free text that follows an inline element, such as after a <span>.
  • text_content(): Use this when you need all the text within an element, regardless of nesting.

    • Example: Extracting the full textual content of an article or paragraph element.

Example Scenario

Consider an HTML snippet:

  Welcome <strong>to the</strong> jungle.
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Let’s extract different parts of this content using text(), tail(), and text_content().

html_content = "<div>Welcome <strong>to the</strong> jungle.</div>"
tree = html.fromstring(html_content)
div_element = tree.xpath('//div')[0]
strong_element = tree.xpath('//strong')[0]

print(div_element.text)           # Output: 'Welcome '
print(strong_element.tail)        # Output: ' jungle.'
print(div_element.text_content()) # Output: 'Welcome to the jungle.'
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  • div_element.text gives "Welcome " (the text directly inside <div>).
  • strong_element.tail gives " jungle." (the text right after <strong> within <div>).
  • div_element.text_content() gives "Welcome to the jungle." (all text combined).


Understanding how text(), tail(), and text_content() work helps you efficiently extract and manipulate text content from HTML documents using lxml.html. Each method serves a distinct purpose, and choosing the right one depends on the structure of your HTML and the specific text you need to retrieve.

lxml.html.Element.get() method:

The lxml.html.Element.get() method is used to retrieve the value of an attribute from an HTML element. It's a straightforward and useful method when working with elements that have attributes, such as <a>, <img>, <div>, or any other HTML tag that can include attributes like href, src, class, etc.

lxml.html.Element.get() Method

What It Is:

  • The get() method retrieves the value of a specified attribute from an HTML element.

How It Works:

  • Input:
    • key: A string representing the name of the attribute you want to retrieve.
    • default: (Optional) A value to return if the attribute is not found. If not specified and the attribute is missing, None is returned.
  • Output:
    • Returns a string representing the value of the specified attribute. If the attribute is not present on the element, it returns None or the provided default value.

Example Usage:

Let's consider an example with a simple HTML snippet:

<a href="" title="Example Site">Visit Example</a>
<img src="image.jpg" alt="An example image">
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Example 1: Retrieving an Attribute Value

from lxml import html

# Sample HTML content
html_content = """
<a href="" title="Example Site">Visit Example</a>
<img src="image.jpg" alt="An example image">

# Parse the HTML content
tree = html.fromstring(html_content)

# Locate the <a> element and get its 'href' attribute
a_element = tree.xpath('//a')[0]
href_value = a_element.get('href')

# Print the result
print(href_value)  # Output: ''
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  • The get('href') method retrieves the value of the href attribute from the <a> element. Here, it returns "".

Example 2: Providing a Default Value

# Attempt to get a non-existent 'target' attribute, with a default value
target_value = a_element.get('target', '_self')

# Print the result
print(target_value)  # Output: '_self'
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  • Since the <a> element does not have a target attribute, the get('target', '_self') method returns the provided default value '_self'.

Example 3: Working with Different Element Types

# Locate the <img> element and get its 'alt' attribute
img_element = tree.xpath('//img')[0]
alt_value = img_element.get('alt')

# Print the result
print(alt_value)  # Output: 'An example image'
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  • The get('alt') method retrieves the value of the alt attribute from the <img> element, returning "An example image".

Practical Use Cases

  • Extracting Links: When scraping or processing HTML documents, get() is commonly used to extract href attributes from <a> tags.
  • Handling Images: It can be used to retrieve src attributes from <img> tags, useful when you need to download or process images from a webpage.
  • Extracting Metadata: Attributes like title, alt, data-* attributes, and more can be easily accessed using get().


  • Primary Use: lxml.html.Element.get() is used to retrieve the value of an attribute from an HTML element.
  • Arguments:
    • key: The name of the attribute you want to retrieve.
    • default (optional): A fallback value if the attribute does not exist.
  • Return Value: The value of the specified attribute, or None (or the provided default) if the attribute is not found.

Best Practices

  • Check for None: When using get() without a default value, ensure that your code handles the case where the attribute might not be present (i.e., when None is returned).
  • Use Defaults Wisely: Providing a sensible default value can help avoid errors when an attribute is optional or missing in some elements.
  • Attribute Presence: Use get() to safely access attributes without risking an exception if the attribute does not exist (unlike direct dictionary-like access with element.attrib['key']).


The lxml.html.Element.get() method is a versatile and safe way to access the attributes of HTML elements. It allows you to handle missing attributes gracefully by returning None or a specified default value. This makes it particularly useful in web scraping, HTML parsing, and other scenarios where you need to interact with and manipulate HTML documents programmatically.

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