DEV Community

Dimitris Thanopoulos
Dimitris Thanopoulos

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I am making my own Password Manager...

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Hello everyone!

I am developing a new software project in good old C++ as a side project—a password manager designed to make your personal information more secure. I decided to create my own password manager for three main reasons:

My research showed that many so-called trusted, paid service providers have experienced data breaches, exposing sensitive user information. Additionally, I am not comfortable sharing and storing my data online, regardless of the provider.

Managing passwords offline is often more sophisticated. Using tools like OpenSSL, terminals, and commands to encrypt and decrypt text can be tedious, and any software that automates this process tends to lack user-friendly design and functionality.

Creating my own password manager is fun, educational, and potentially beneficial to others. It will be easier to use and could provide passive income if others find it useful and wish to donate, as it will be available for free.

I believe many people would appreciate such a product. If you're interested, you might want to get notified when the Beta version is up. I've just finished making the landing page where you can get updates on its progress (Note: it is only optimized for desktops for now). I would love to get some honest feedback on the landing page and the product idea.

View the page here:

Thank you in advance!

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