This App was develop as a Flatiron School Rails project. I developed this app to help users practice building cryptocurrency portfolios and react to the markets in real time safely using fake money.
Note: This is a continuation of my previous Sinatra project, click the following link to find useful information about the API I'm using and more details FlatCoin.
Rails New App Setup:
rails new Project_name
Then, type:
rails s
And go to OMG! Yes, that's it. you're on Rails!
Next thing you want to start creating the resources needed:
rails g resource User name:string password:password_digest email:string uid:string provider:string --no-test-framework
rails g resource Portfolio name:string description:text current_balance:integer initial_balance:integer user_id:integer --no-test-framework
rails g resource Comment user_id:integer portfolio_id:integer content:text --no-test-framework
rails g resource Trade coin_name:string coin_id:string price:decimal quantity:integer user_id:integer portfolio_id:integer --no-test-framework
By running the above, Rails will generate the migrations, models, controllers, routes an even the views folders for you. Thanks Rails!
Now it's the time to run a migration:
rails db:migrate
Next step associations and validations:
class User < ApplicationRecord
# Remane relationship to group another name
has_many :created_portfolios, foreign_key: "user_id", class_name: "Portfolio"
has_many :trades, through: :created_portfolios
has_many :comments
has_many :portfolios, through: :comments
validates :name, presence: true
validates :email, presence: true, format: { with: URI::MailTo::EMAIL_REGEXP }, uniqueness: true
class Portfolio < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user
has_many :comments
has_many :users, through: :comments
has_many :trades
validates :name, presence: true
validates :description, presence: true
validates :initial_balance, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true }
# You must include at least one class level ActiveRecord scope method
scope :search, -> (query) { self.where("name LIKE ?", "%#{query}%") }
# def self.most_recent
# self.order(created_at: :asc)
# end
scope :most_recent, -> { self.order(created_at: :desc) }
def max_coins(price)
(self.current_balance / price).to_i
class Trade < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :portfolio
validates :quantity, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true }
class Comment < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :portfolio
validates :content, presence: true
Rails.application.routes.draw do
root 'static#home'
match '/auth/:provider/callback', to: 'sessions#github_omniauth', via: [:get, :post]
#resources :users
get '/signup', to: 'users#new'
post '/signup', to: 'users#create'
get '/login', to: 'sessions#new'
post '/login', to: 'sessions#create'
get '/search', to: 'portfolios#search', as: 'search'
delete '/logout', to: "sessions#logout"
get '/my_portfolios', to: 'portfolios#my_portfolios', as: 'my_portfolios'
resources :portfolios do
resources :comments, only: [:create]
resources :trades, only: [:create, :show, :destroy]
get '/trades/new', to: 'portfolios#my_portfolios'
post '/trades/new', to: 'trades#create_portfolio_trade', as: 'create_portfolio_trade'
# For details on the DSL available within this file, see
From here on the logic is very similar to my previous Sinatra project FlatCoin, rails give us an easy way to create forms, such as the following:
<%= form_with(model: [@portfolio, @trade]) do |f| %>
<%= f.hidden_field :user_id, value: %>
<%= f.hidden_field :portfolio_id, value: %>
<%= f.hidden_field :coin_name, value: %>
<%= f.hidden_field :coin_id, value: @coin_id %>
<%= f.hidden_field :price, value: @coin.current_price %>
<%= f.label :quantity %>
<%= f.text_field :quantity %>
<%= f.submit :trade, value: 'Buy NOW!' %>
<% end %>
Setting up the GitHub authentication:
- Visit
- Click "New OAuth App"
- Give it a name, Homepage URL: (Or any other path that Rails is listening on), Description, Authorization call back URL:
- Click "Register application"
- Create a
file in main directory and add your GitHub keys.
- If you run into issues, check the following documentation OmniAuth: Standardized Multi-Provider Authentication
Struggling with Sinatra gave me the knowledge and appreciation to Rails.
Check out a quick YouTube video of my project.
Check out the project here on GitHub!
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