**Java **is a widely-used programming language that is known for its versatility and ease of use. In this blog post, we will be diving into the basics of Java programming, covering topics such as data types, variables, control flow, and more. Whether you are a beginner just starting out or an experienced programmer looking to refresh your skills, this guide will provide you with a solid foundation for working with Java.
So, let's get started on mastering the basics of this powerful language!
Collectoins of Java Notes ☕☕☕☕
Table of Contents
- What is Java?
- How to install Java
- To check if you have the java_home set
- Check if Java is installed
- How to set Java path
- Use jshell terminal i.e Java Shell
- Write a Java program
- How to compile Java program
- How to run Java program
- Variables
- Reference data types
- Variable naming conventions
- Reassigning variables
- Declare multiple variables
- Copying variables
- Type casting
- Type promotion
- Type conversion
- String concatenation
- String comparison
- String formatting
- NumberFormat
- String methods
- String escape characters
- Type of variables
- Constants
- Data types
- Dates classes
- public vs private
- static vs non-static
- Public vs Static
- Java.lang package
- Loops
- Break and Continue
- Loops and Arrays
- Loops and Strings
- Loops using Array streams
- Decrements and Increments
- Conditional Statements
- Access Modifiers keywords
- Arrays
- Ways of creating an array
- Arrays.toString()
- Array Methods
- Arrays and indexes
- Mixed Data Types
- Multidimensional Arrays
- Classes and Objects
- Objects
- Fields
- Methods
- Constructors
- Class
- Math Class Operations
- …
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