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Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins

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Import a CSV file into a MySQL database using PHP PDO (fast af) ๐Ÿš€

Let say you're like me and need to get ~2Gib of records into a SQL database. Most of us are probably running a shared hosted server and have limitations regarding file upload size in phpMyAdmin. Honestly, after discovering this new method, I dont know that I'll ever upload big data another way.

Here is a great PHP Script from Stavros Skamagkis that uses PDO. It is pretty self explanatory. I've included a modified version below.

So how long does the import take? Well, in my case I have ~1,800,000 records with 30 columns and it takes seconds, like less than 5 ๐Ÿ˜Ž.


  • Define fieldseparator, fieldEscapedBy, fieldEnclosedBy, and lineSeperator as variables (shown in first few lines). I span my wheels a little defining them inline which did not work (I believe because of PDO).

  • CSV file location is relative to this files location.

  • Header? Use IGNORE 1 LINES to skip the first line.

  • How to run? I created a Development Button and linked onClick() that connects via Ajax to the resource. I'm know there are easier methods, I just already had it setup. Nevertheless, this works.

//  Code Source:

$databasehost = "localhost";
$databasename = "YOUR_DATABASE_NAME";

$databasetable = "YOUR_DATABASE_TABLE";

$databaseusername = "YOUR_DATABASE_USERNAME";
$databasepassword = 'YOUR_DATABASE_PASSWORD';

$fieldSeparator = ";";
$fieldEscapedBy = "";
$fieldEnclosedBy = '"';
$lineSeparator = "\n";

$csvfile = "../FILE_TO_IMPORT.csv";

if (!file_exists($csvfile)) {
    error_log('File does NOT exist!');
    die("File not found. Make sure you specified the correct path.");

try {

    $pdo = new PDO(
            PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE => true,
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    error_log('database connection failed!');
    die("database connection failed: " . $e->getMessage());

$affectedRows = $pdo->exec(
        . $pdo->quote($csvfile)
        . " INTO TABLE `$databasetable` FIELDS TERMINATED BY "
        . $pdo->quote($fieldSeparator)
        . " ESCAPED BY "
        . $pdo->quote($fieldEscapedBy)
        . " ENCLOSED BY "
        . $pdo->quote($fieldEnclosedBy)
        . $pdo->quote($lineSeparator)
        . " IGNORE 1 LINES "

echo "Loaded a total of $affectedRows records from this csv file.\n";
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