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10 tips to increase your productivity and get things done

Duomly on November 04, 2019

Some time ago, I had a challenging time. Every day I was super busy, but I couldn’t finish anything on time. I was still in the middle of something...
sturdy_dev profile image
Carson Sturtevant

These are all great suggestions and I do most of the myself!

One thing I could add is be sure to drink enough water throughout the day. It can be easy to sit at your desk for an hour or 2 and not have any. Your brain/body functions better when fully hydrated!

johannesjo profile image
Johannes Millan

Great list! Thanks for sharing!

I use my own app to help me follow the tips you shared. Apart from standard to do stuff and time tracking, it offers a break reminder, planning the next day and focused notifications only for the task you are working on (if you also use Jira or GitHub). You can check it out here:

evanjameson profile image
Evan Jameson • Edited

Love this, I’d like to add to the thread:

I used to be a terrible procrastinator until I changed my day to day mindset. Anytime I have something that I need to do that I could put off, I think; “just do it” (thanks nike).

Once you force yourself for a few days you get into a good rhythm of keeping it up and it gets much easier. Even if its just doing dishes or something random, if you start doing this in one part of your life, the rest will follow!

jjuel profile image
Jordan Juel

I don't see reading articles on productivity on this list. Interesting... ;)

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

I think one more is using time tracking software like rescuetime or Pomodoro technique.

murrayvarey profile image

The Pomodoro technique is great ... when I remember to use it. Always regret it on those days that I forget.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Haha.. I had that problem as well when I'm using Pomodoro.

It is during those days that I am entirely overwhelmed with work that I forget to use it

Thread Thread
murrayvarey profile image

Haha, exactly -- on the days that you need it the most.

duomly profile image

Definitely! it's a good point :)

kirzlobster profile image
Kir Zlobster

Being more productive at work or in life isn't rocket science, but it does require being more deliberate about how you manage your time. No one is born to be very good at time management, so that’s okay if you think you’re bad in it. But everyone can learn to boost their productivity and achieve more. No one is born to be very good at time management, so that’s okay if you think you’re bad in it. But everyone can learn to boost their productivity and achieve more!
If you want to maximize your productivity, don't resolve to put in long hours at work; and try these tried-and-tested tips instead:
1.Take regular break
2.Chart Your Progress

  1. Get a workout partner or goal buddy
  2. Reward yourself
  3. Give it time, be patient Moreover, I found an amazing site that helps me improve myself and gets me motivated by completing challenges. Really interesting site with a great challenges verity—
jschleigher profile image
James Schleigher • Edited

Great list!
I agree that notifications should be turned off because they really distract me when I'm working on my tasks. I only keep the notifications on for my task management software to remind me what I should be doing at the moment.
I'm currently using Quire to help me with setting my tasks. I follow the GTD method when it comes to making and organizing tasks. They let me hide tasks with a longer deadline so that I won't be bothered by them while I'm working on my current tasks (set priorities).
Do you use any productivity apps? I'm curious about how you set your tasks!

emmanuelmallabo profile image
Emmanuel Mallabo

Get things done

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Hoang Le

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