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Cover image for Day 112 : Damn

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Day 112 : Damn

liner notes:

  • Professional : What a day! Tried to demo a project to a coworker that literally worked the day before and I hadn't touched the code and got an error. It was weird. The response was a captcha page from Cloudflare. Had another team member who works on the Node package help me out. I found a support ticket with a similar situation and it turns out that sometimes, with Glitch, depending on the IP address you get when your project wakes up, you may get blocked my Cloudflare. I just remixed my project, ran my setup script and got everything up and running. Demoed the project and my coworker said he was pretty impressed. He wasn't expecting to see anything for a while and was happy with what I did. He wants to demo it with another team member. Cool. Oh and had a few other meetings today.

  • Personal : Not to get political, but damn. haha In coding news, I was able to add methods to the audio player web component I made so that I can play and pause the audio with buttons outside of the web component. Also got an Event Emitter implemented so that when the track changes, it will send out an event with the new track information so that elements outside can listen for it. I'm going to use it for sharing the track to Twitter. Oh and I can randomize the tracks so they play in a different order each time it loads.

View of a grassland prairie in Grand Tetons in Wyoming with mountains in the background

Going to do some research, watch "Dispatches from Elsewhere" (forgot to watch it on Monday) and go to bed.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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