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Cover image for Day 68 : The Return

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Day 68 : The Return

liner notes:

  • Professional : Returned to CodeMash for day 2! Since we handed out everything yesterday, I got a chance to catch a talk. It was pretty interesting. It was about how the speaker used code and technology to come up with some solutions to help out his community. I have some pics up at . It was even better because the room the presentation was taking place was right next to where we had set up. So right before the talk and afterwards, I was able to stand by our sign and answer any questions people had. After that, we went to have lunch. Returned back to the table and spoke with more people. Also, I got to record a 360 video of the venue and all the sponsors table. It took forever to download off my GoPro and get onto my computer. Then GoPro Max decided to split my video recording into 2 parts with no way to join them in the mobile app. Thanks GoPro! I just uploaded them to YouTube which took some time also to export from the GoPro app and upload. I've got to find a better work flow. I also created a "regular" non 360 video that I will speed up and post to Twitter and Instagram.

  • Personal : Left the venue and headed back to the airport. Luckily, it looks like I left at just the right time because I didn't hit any real traffic. Now, I'm sitting in the airport waiting on my flight. Did some work, took a 360 photo that should be up on the travel site. The second video is rendering right now. When that is done, I'll add it to the first one and speed it up so I can post to Twitter and Instagram. Trying to get as much done before the flight because I know I'll be tired when I get home.

Cliffs of Maui, Hawaii

Not much to say. Check out for pics and vids from my first trip as a JavaScript Developer Advocate. Got a lot of stuff to do during the weekend. Radio show and finish up a presentation at the Orlando Devs meetup on Monday! I'm out. Almost time to board the plane.

Have a great night and weekend!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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