liner notes:
- Saturday : Pretty packed day. Got up early to help out at the Orlando Developers Hackathon. People had some pretty good ideas. I wasn't able to stick around because I then went to go to a listening party for MidaZ the Beast new album "Where The Sidewalk Ends". Really good album. You can check it out at
After that, I went to the statio to do the radio show. Had a great time as usual and we may have a special guest on a future show. Of course you can check out the show at
Sunday : Tried to rest and catch up on some housework and side projects.
Professional : Today, I worked on finishing up the blog post that I've been writing. Not sure why the writer's block, but I'm getting it done. Want to get it posted as a draft so that someone from Developer Education team and review it. Also got some stuff together to get ready for my trip to Atlanta tomorrow. Did some digging and there are a couple of meetups happening in Atlanta while I'm there that I want to attend and maybe give a quick demo. Found out that one of the conferences I submitted to go work got pushed further. It's good because it's in Germany and I would be in Europe already so I'm looking to spend a little more time over there. Hope it works out.
Personal : Got some new shoes! If you know me, you know I'll keep using things until it falls apart. That's the state my shoes where getting to. haha. Since this weekend was pretty packed and I just got back from another trip, I have a lot of clothes I still need to iron and pack for my trip. Going to do that and get to bed early.
Tomorrow is going to be a long day. Driving to Atlanta and then going to a meetup. This will be the longest trip in the van so far. Need to make sure I have enough podcasts! Got some ironing and packing to do.
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /
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