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Dzhavat Ushev
Dzhavat Ushev

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

When is NavigationCancel triggered?

This post was originally published on my blog.

Over the past couple of days, I was working on an Angular component that depended on a stream of router events. There are quite a few of them but I was particulary looking at NavigationCancel. A question that came up was “When is this event triggered?”

The documentation didn’t really answer my question. Here’s what it currently says:

Represents an event triggered when a navigation is canceled.

While this was somewhat helpful, I was hoping for more details. In this short post I’d like to share my findings for cases in which NavigationCancel is triggered.

When a route guard returns false

This is probably the most obvious one. If you have a route guard that returns false during navigation, you’ll get a NavigationCancel event. It doesn’t matter if the return value is false, a Promise that resolves to false or an Observable that emits false. The end result will be the same.

canActivate() {
  // Case 1
  return false;

  // Case 2
  return Promise.resolve(false);

  // Case 3
  return new Observable<boolean>(observer => {;
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On redirect initiated by a route guard

There are a couple of cases here. As of v7.1, a CanActivate guard can also return an UrlTree object. In that case, the current navigation will be canceled and a new navigation will start based off the returned UrlTree.

canActivate() {
  // Case 1
  // Manually start a new navigation and cancel the current one by returning `false`
  return false;

  // Case 2
  // The router will automatically cancel the current navigation and start a new one 
  return this.router.parseUrl('/hello-new');
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That’s it. These are the cases where NavigationCancel will be triggered. Do you know more? Let me know on Twitter.

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