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Discussion on: Who still regularly uses jQuery?

eaich profile image

Too many people are so eager to jump on the jQuery hate bandwagon. I'll say it - I STILL USE JQUERY.


  1. Some of my users are still on IE11
  2. Reduction in keystrokes
  3. Easier to implement drag, drop, and sortable
  4. I currently do not use a JS framework

With that said, I do use it sparingly and when I do, I make sure to indicate that a variable is pointing to a jQuery object:

$menuItems = $('.menu-items');
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dyland profile image
Dylan Davenport • Edited

I still use JQuery for all of the same reasons 😅 I work at a non profit that caters to an older demographic so IE support is a necessary evil.

dpashutskii profile image
Dmitrii Pashutskii

At least the first point you can change with Babel :)