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Discussion on: The Complete Guide to User Authentication with the Amplify Framework

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EarlPond • Edited

How to: Use my OIDC provider like a Google/Facebook?

(great article)
export default withAuthenticator(App, { federated: {provider: 'myNamefor company SSO provider OIDC' } });

I'm trying to use with Authenticator to wrap a React web app. It feels like I should be able to use the syntax in the article in withAuthenticator as a federated object. Since there will only be one, really no reason to stop on the Hosted UI page. Would like it to continue past the Hosted UI with the one button directly to the Idp.

Think the functionality probably there, I'm just missing the setup & syntax.
The example in Advanced Workflows of the Amplify docs is close, but no mention of tapping into OIDC created providers in Cognito.

I found a good article about being able to bypass directly to the Idp, but I think there may be a better way using withAuthenticator.

Thanks for any insights.