DEV Community

Ed Stokes
Ed Stokes

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CRUD in React: A Quick Overview

CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. It's a set of basic operations commonly used in web development to manage data in applications. In React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, CRUD operations refer to how data is created, read, updated, and deleted within a web application.

Create (C): This operation involves adding new data or records to your application. In React, you might create a form where users can input information, submit it, and have it added to a list or database.

Read (R): Reading means fetching and displaying existing data to users. In React, you can render data on the screen, often by using components and state management to keep the interface up to date.

Update (U): Updating data allows users to modify existing information. In a React application, you can create edit forms or interactive components that allow users to change data.

Delete (D): Deleting data removes records from your application. In React, you can implement features like delete buttons or confirmation dialogs to remove items from a list or database.

CRUD operations are fundamental to building interactive web applications in React and other web development frameworks. They provide the basic functionality for managing and manipulating data, allowing users to interact with your app effectively.

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