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Cover image for HNG Internship 8 is here
Edward Oboh
Edward Oboh

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HNG Internship 8 is here

Internships are a great way to sharpen one's skill, broaden one's knowledge and gain some experience along the way. As a developer, the majority of the skills required to perform certain tasks while working on a project are usually learnt on the job. A certain amount of conditioning is required to help one move from a beginner or intermediate level into an advanced one.

Hello there, my name is Edward Osaretin Oboh, I am a Front and Back end web developer and a graduate of Computer Engineering. I heard about HNG Internship powered by the Zuri Team ( from a friend while searching for a challenging internship program i could participate in, able to provide the necessary conditioning required to make me a better web developer. From my findings, the HNG Internship does this by simulating a real life working environment where one has to deal with moving deadlines, learning to work with new technologies, solving problems with a considerable number of constraints and also, working in a team.

Reason For Participation
The major purpose for signing up for HNGi8 is to firstly, sharpen my skills by performing tasks that would broaden my horizon and expand my creativity, productivity and efficiency as a web developer. Secondly, I hope to get myself acquainted with working in a team of developers, thereby acquiring the necessary communication skills required to properly function as a member and thirdly, to include a proof of my completion of this program in my resume and hopefully land a job. I sincerely hope to complete all stages by the end of eight weeks.

Technology Stack
My primary language is JavaScript and my stack is the MERN (MongoDB - Express - React - Node.Js) stack. Secondarily, I am proficient with Python. Using either Flask or Django (two of the most used Python web frameworks), I write backend web applications and REST APIs. Apart from MongoDB, I have also made use of PostgresQL and MySQL databases.

Below are links to the various tutorials as required for the completion of this task

Figma -

Git -


JavaScript -

Go -

Node.Js -

Python -

React.Js -

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