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Discussion on: Re-Exploring Reactivity and Introducing the Observer API and Reflex Functions

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Eckehard • Edited

We have seen many new approaches over the last few years, that are intendeded to make life easier. Many solve one problem by creating two new ones. And - any new approach brings a new layer of complexity to the game - which is not desireable at all.

Let me give an example from Svelte. I really like the Svelte-approach, but - for me - it has a conceptual weakness. Here is an example, that displays an array

    const colors = ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet'];

{#each colors as color}
    <div> {color} </div>
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With their approach, they had to implement new control elements like #each, #if, #else, that introduce their own syntax and new rules. But we already have JS working on this site, so why can´t we use this?

In my oppinion, it would be far better if they could use JS directly like this:

      for (i of [0, 25, 50, 75, 100]) {
         <div> {i} </div>
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There are good reasons why they did it differently, but here we get a bunch of new concepts, that need to be explained and which are a potential source of confusion and errors. Using the conventional syntax of Javascript would have removed this whole layer (possibly bringing other problems).

I still have no clear opinion about the benefit of Reflex Functions, but we always should ask:

  • does the new concept make our code shorter or easier to understand, or does it reduce the number of elements or tools used?
  • does it help, to use our existing tools more efficiently?
  • is it generally applicable in a wide range of tasks and application? If you think, your approach meets this criteria, I would agree, that this could be a huge step forward.
oxharris profile image
Oxford Harrison • Edited

I couldn't agree more that along with what seems like a solution often comes some more complexity! Template languages and custom DSLs have never seemed like a good-enough answer to me! They just double our syntax space!

Wow. I think you just led us to one thing that Reflex Functions addresses! (How come that wasn't immediately obvious?)

This is what you're looking for, which is possible with Reflex Functions today:

  const colors = ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet'];
  for (let color of colors) {
    // valid JS code
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It doesn't look like there's Reflex Functions present at all. That's right; this is plain JavaScript that would work as is! Reflex Functions comes in when you need "reactivity" on top of this plain logic, in which case, you could imagine flipping a "reactivity" feature for your script in something like a Boolean attribute (which I'll talk about next):

<script reflex>
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That would signify that the contents of the script should be evaluated within a Reflex Function! So under the hood, that would translate to:

function** eval() {
  const colors = ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet'];
  for (let color of colors) {
    // valid JS code
let [ , reflect ] = eval();
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from which point, you have the reflect() function for reflecting updates!

Point is, Reflex Functions can be your compile target - in this case, for your <script> elements; "reflex" scripts!

In fact, something like "reflex" scripts might be by far the most common way people will experience Reflex Functions! (Or may be not. But point is, this is a primitive that can be under the hood of anything.)

Now, lest you're imagining having Svelte work this way today, "reflex" scripts are here already (and hopes to be a companion proposal to Reflex Functions) at OOHTML (This might be really worth your time!)

With "reflex" scripts, you don't need a compile step at all as the case may be in Svelte today; everything hits the browser running! And here's a good way to see that:

a list element that receives an array to render from a running application, such that when the list is updated by the application, the loop runs again to re-render:


  <div id="list">

    <script reflex>
      for (let color of window.color) {
        // valid JS code


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// If application were to update the array, the loop re-runs
window.colors = [ ... ]; // Or via the Observer API: Observer.set(window, 'colors', [ ... ])
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Or if you were to manually reflect your update:

// Your get a reference to your script
let [ reflexScript ] = document.querySelector('#list').scripts; // Or: document.querySelector('#list script[reflex]')
window.colors = [ ... ];
reflexScript.reflect(['window', 'colors']);

But all of that is taken care of in the OOHTML implementation

You may want to see how reactivity works with Loops, and other control flow constructs:

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efpage profile image

Hy Oxford,

maybe I missed a point, but I have great problems understanding the concept of Reflex Functions.

As far as I understood, they allow to rerun parts of the code, depending on the change of external data, right? This gives me a lot of questions:

  • What happens, if some global data changed, that are not part of the Reflex-System. How do you care, that the result of a function is still correct?
  • Pure functions should not have any external dependencies. How can they benefit from Reflex-functions?
  • If you measure the time for a page update, code execution is only a very small fraction. Even unnecessary DOM updates do not seem to take any time, as long as the visual representation of the page does not change. The most time is consumed to rebuild the page view itself. Are there any examples where the Reflex-system really saved some time?

Any hint´s are welcome

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oxharris profile image
Oxford Harrison • Edited

Hi Eckehard,

Would it help to link you to the "Usecases" section of the README?

Could at least give us some context. If you pick one of the usecase examples, I could clarify anything about it!

Does that help? Or have a specific case in mind?

Meanwhile, to answer ques #1 off the top of my head...

If you have a global dependency in your Reflex Function:

function** render() {
let [ , reflect ] = render();
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or in a script element that compiles to the same
<script reflex>

then the idea is that you should observe that property for change and get the function to reflect it:

// Observe and reflect
Observer.observe(globalThis, 'property', change => {
    reflect(['globalThis', 'property']);

// The change = 'New value'; // Or using the poyfill: Observer.set(globalThis, 'property', 'New value');
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and in the script example
// Observe and reflect
Observer.observe(globalThis, 'property', change => {
    scriptElement.reflect(['globalThis', 'property']);

So, in other words, the observer API makes it automatic!

And from your question, if a global change happens and isn't part of the "Reflex System
" (by which I think you mean: a global thing that isn't referenced at all in a Reflex Function), then it rightly has no effect within Reflex Functions! Changes that aren't a dependency don't need to be observed and reflected, and even if reflect() is called - reflect(['globalThis', 'property2']), it won't have an effect!

As a tip, if you were to know the exact external dependencies that needs to be observed, the ReflexFunction.inspect() method shows you just that!

Meanwhile, the fact that Reflex Functions don't concern themselves with change detection on the outside world is by design! It allows them to fit with different ways things change on the UI; e.g. via events, etc. They just want to do one thing well: accept a textual representation of what has changed on the outside scope and scan their own scope top-down to re-run dependent statements!

Reactivity with Reflex Functions is all based on static source text analysis, and that's fundamentally different from the "callbacks-and-closures network" nature of the "functional" approach to reactivity! This text-synthesis approach is cheaper - because it happens as part of the source code parsing process within the engine - and saves much runtime overheads on your code. It is also the secret to its "literal-syntax and linear-flow" advantage as discussed in the main post!

To answer #2: Reflex Functions don't rely on being pure! It's normally a mutable world in programming and Reflex Functions are designed to embrace that! But if you'd rather follow an immutable principle, they work as perfectly too!

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efpage profile image
Eckehard • Edited

It allows them to fit with different ways things change on the UI; e.g. via events, etc.

Assume, there is a global variable, that is incremented on every render cycle. Assume, this has an effect "upstream" in your code, e.g. a part of your code is only executed, until the counter is below 10. If you only rerun the downstream part of your code, how should the change be detected?

I do not really understand, what you mean by "up" and "down" the scope? As long, as an application runs, we can say: "After" execution is "before" execution. If the execution of code has and effect on a global variable, this changes the "state" of the whole application. So, it is unsure, if this has an effect on the result.

Data drive vs event driven design

Today, application design if often driven by data, this makes change detection tricky. You only see, that data has changed, but you do not know why this change happend.

If you follow an event driven approach, there is always a "reason", why data changed. If a user hits a button, or if he/she inputs data, this is an event. Even a change in the database can cause an event. This makes it very easy to detect changes, as you only need to check a small amount of data, that are in the scope of the event.

ninjin profile image

Svelte has a much more serious problem - any exception breaks the entire reactivity system completely. This is the fundamental difference between tasks and invariants: the task can and should fall as early as possible, but the invariant should continue working despite the errors in the middle. Semantically, functions in JS are tasks. An invariant can call tasks within itself, but it is not a task itself.