I'm not sure if I can still call myself a recent coding bootcamp graduate - I've hit 9 months of code, and today I had a burnout baby. I had a lengthy stare at the screen, had an existential crisis in the bathroom, and realized that coding just isn't for me.
Then I got my shit together.
This task had to be done. I couldn't just not do my job and tell my boss "Sorry, that's too hard." This may be fine for a tricky bug fix, but blowing off documentation is a good way to go from junior developer to former developer.
I'm not saying I was ready to throw in the towel over documentation.
I enjoy writing. That's how this post happened.
I don't enjoy things I can't figure out.
A majority of my task was taking screenshots of the happy path. Problem was, I didn't know the full happy path. A large part of it was setting up [kinda] complex charts and graphs using a library that we'd been implementing. I was familiar with the UI well enough, but I didn't understand how to use any of the tools.
I wasn't frustrated with code. I was frustrated with graphs.
I got myself caffeinated, pulled up my bootcamp straps, and Googled my soul out. I tried different data and different settings and different filters until it worked. I was spinning in my chair.
This is when I remembered that I loved writing code - if I loved graphs, I would have gone into accounting. Development is hard. We all know it. However, we also all live for the rush of "I did it - it works!".
That's why nevertheless, I code.
Top comments (5)
After 10 years of coding as a developer (20 years as a hobby), here's my conclusion:
I love it, nevertheless. There are up and down, but, in general, this is fun :)
😂 😂 😂
Nice Article
Keep up!
It’s so true!