1.) Downloading Node.js and NPM:
To download both Node.js and NPM I used a tutorial at the following link: https://phoenixnap.com/kb/install-node-js-npm-on-windows
I downloaded the Node.js installer for Windows from here: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
After downloading the installer I ran the Node.js install wizard and clicked next. Agree to the terms of service and hit next. The installer will then prompt the user for an install location. Enter an install location and hit next. The install will then ask you if you need additional components to install. Select NPM and click next. Next, click the install button to finally install both Node.js and NPM. To confirm that Node.js and NPM are installed, open the command prompt and enter the commands node -v and npm -v to see the current version of Node.js and NPM installed on your machine.
2.) Installing Yarn:
I used the following tutorial to download yarn on my windows 10 machine: https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install/#windows-stable
With NPM now installed on your machine you can use it to install yarn. Just open the command prompt and run this command: npm install --global yarn
After the command runs, confirm the version of yarn installed on your machine by running the following command: yarn --version
3.) Installing VSCode:
To get started downloading VSCode download the VSCode installer from the following link: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/?dv=win
Upon opening the installer Accept the License terms and click Next. Then Select Additional tasks the installer should complete like whether or not you want to add a desktop icon and adding VSCode to PATH and click next. Then click install to begin installing VSCode on your device.
4.) Installing git:
To download git for Windows go to the following link: https://git-scm.com/download/win
Download and run the git installer. After opening the installer click next on the Information page. Then select which components you want the installer to download or leave the options as default then click next. The next step is to choose an SSH executable. I chose the default option to use bundled OpenSSH then hit next. The last step gives you the option to enable experimental support for pseudo consoles and an option to enable experimental built-in file system monitor. You can choose to enable these if you wish or leave the settings as default, as I did, and click install. After the git download completes, confirm the downloaded version by opening the command prompt and typing the following command: git --version.
5.) Confirm web components boilerplate:
To confirm that you have all necessary components downloaded, open the command prompt and run the following command: npm init @open-wc
If all components were downloaded correctly you should get a message allowing you to Scaffold a new project with Open Web Components.
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