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Discussion on: Who said that VIM cannot compete with IDEs?

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Jake Duth

By the way, Vim will use ctags by default for jumping to definitions/declarations. Just do ":!ctags -R ." in the root folder (":pwd" to check and ":cd" to move, of course) and it will make the tags file for you. Then you can jump around with "Ctrl-]" with the cursor over the function/class/whatever you want to jump to; "Ctrl-T" returns to the previous file.

To add a bit more, the "Ctrl-]" will add buffers to the tag stack and "Ctrl-T" will go back up that stack, so that you can go into however many files deep and get back to the top.

Some things in Vim that I didn't get in an IDE (keep in mind I decided to switch to Vim less than a month ago):

  • Macros, ., and mappings all quickly do whatever I want to whatever I want...I will never have to sit at my computer and do the same things over and over again just because I couldn't figure out how to automate it in my IDE
  • Jumping to the sections of code in which I have made changes with "Ctrl-o" (and forwards with "Ctrl-i")
  • Branched undo hierarchy - I haven't actually gotten into this yet, but know it exists and can't wait to learn it...I've been messed over with the lack of this feature multiple times before
  • Unity 3D integration - I'm currently working on a project in Unity (which I've got plenty of experience in) and I decided that I am not going to keep trying to deal with Visual Studio and MonoDevelop. Now I can actually recompile my code in two keystrokes, search the error messages, and jump to the exact line in my file in which the error occurred (this last one is the only one I could do in Visual Studio).
  • Vim is available anywhere. I have it on Windows 7, Windows 10, OSX, CentOS 7, Raspbian, Ubuntu, and Android. I use it literally every day on at least 4 of those. I think Blender and Slack are the only other apps I have ever used that runs on all of these operating systems.

I currently have 0 plugins and have not downloaded anyone's .vimrc