DEV Community

Ellis Velly
Ellis Velly

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Optimal Methods for Salesforce Development: Distinguishing Between Custom and Standard Objects

As I work on a new Salesforce project, I wanted to ask the community for tips and insights on how to use custom objects versus regular objects more effectively. I'm very new to Salesforce programming, so I've been experimenting with all of the customisation options available on the platform. However, I'm having trouble determining when to use standard objects and when it makes more sense to create custom objects.

The Context:

Keeping track of interactions, managing customer data, and managing customised workflows for particular client needs are all crucial to our project. When the project requirements grew more sophisticated, I began by setting Salesforce's regular objects (such as Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, etc.). However, as the needs for specialised data tracking and workflows became more pressing, I began to think about creating custom objects.

My Queries:

When is using standard objects instead than bespoke objects more appropriate?
Although I am aware that Salesforce offers a wide range of customisable standard objects, I have also heard that there are drawbacks to using them, particularly in situations when you have highly specialised use cases. How can you use Salesforce's built-in capabilities while also allowing for customisation?

What drawbacks can there be from depending too much on customised items?
To fit our workflow, my team and I have talked about making several new objects, however we have concerns about maintenance, performance, and long-term scalability. What impact do custom objects have on reporting, future upgrades, and system performance?

Does Salesforce have any particular guidelines for data modelling?
What effects do standard vs. custom object usage have on analytics, reporting, and data integrity? Additionally, I'm interested in learning how seasoned developers manage data links between standard and bespoke objects, such as master-detail and lookup relationships. Any advice on how to efficiently set this up?

Tips for customisation to prevent technical debt
Excessive customisation might eventually result in technical debt, thus we wish to avoid that. When utilising custom objects, flows, or Apex code, are there any particular design patterns or best practices to adhere to in order to avoid this?

Connecting Salesforce to external systems
And last, what effect would a large reliance on custom objects have on integration with other systems, such as an ERP or marketing platform? Are there any integration-related issues or considerations that should be made, particularly in light of data synchronisation and API constraints?

Seeking advice from seasoned Salesforce developer

I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who has faced comparable difficulties or who can offer helpful guidance on maximising the use of standard vs. custom objects. Additional materials, articles, or firsthand accounts would also be highly valued. Additionally, I'm interested in learning about any lesser-known Salesforce capabilities or technologies that can facilitate better development efficiency and streamline our decision-making process.

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