Today we talk with Abul Asar Sayyad, a software engineer from Mumbai, India. Working for ID Plans, a commercial property management solution. We discuss his blog article about combining GraphQL with LiveView for rendering on the front end. We also dive into GraphQL libraries, working with LiveView, and testing.
- Abul Asar's Blog
- LinkedIn: AbulAsar Sayyad
- Fetching data from external Graphql API service in Phoenix LiveView
- Hashnode - Blogging community for developers, and people in tech
- GitHub - uesteibar/neuron: A GraphQL client for Elixir
- GitHub - annkissam/common_graphql_client: Elixir GraphQL Client with HTTP and WebSocket Support
- GitHub - sasa1977/con_cache: ets based key/value cache with row level isolated writes and ttl support
- Creating Note taking app using LiveView and GenServer - Part 1
- Abul - Project management tool in LiveView
- Abul - Blog about canvas realtime drawing coming soon
- Abul - Thor Love and Thunder
- Adi- GitHub - annkissam/common_graphql_client: Elixir GraphQL Client with HTTP and WebSocket Support
- Adi -
- Allen - How to Cache in LiveView
- Sascha - The Sprawl