Ben Moss joins the Mix to discuss Event Sourcing and CQRS in Elixir. Event sourcing is the practice of logging data across logged series of events and then reconstructing data from the events. CQRS is focused on keeping read and write operations from conflicting.
- Adi Iyengar
- Allen Wyma
- Sascha Wolf
- Ben Moss
- GitHub | commanded/commanded
- Event Store
- Tackling software complexity with the CELP stack
- Event sourcing in practice - Using Elixir to build event-driven applications
- Bitfield
- Twitter: Benjamin Moss ( @benjamintmoss )
- Adi- AngelList - Engineering Lead
- Adi- theScore - Software Developer
- Adi- Community - Senior Software Engineer, Backend
- Allen- Book - Flutter in Action
- Ben- Toronto Elixir
- Ben- Event Modeling
- Sascha- OpenTelemetry
- Sascha- OpenTracing
- Sascha- Headspace
- Sascha- 7Mind
Contact Adi:
- Adi Iyengar – The Bug Catcher
- GitHub: Adi Iyengar ( thebugcatcher )
- Twitter: Adi Iyengar ( @lebugcatcher )
Contact Allen:
- Plangora Limited
- Plangora – YouTube
- Plangora | Facebook
- Tech_Plangora Limited_Elixir | Instagram
- Twitter: Plangora ( @Plangora )
- LinkedIn: Plangora – Web and Mobile Development
- Plangora – Reddit
Flying High With Flutter
- Flying High With Flutter
- Flying High with Flutter – YouTube
- Flying High with Flutter | Facebook
- Flying High With Flutter | Instagram
- Twitter: Flying High with Flutter ( @fhwflutter )
Teach Me Code
Contact Sascha:
Special Guest: Benjamin Moss.
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