In this episode the panel talks to Danny Hawkins - CTO at Quiqup - and his team's journey at Quiqup with Elixir. Danny explains how some of the first things Quiqup built were using Elixir and how they then left Elixir behind in favor of TypeScript, only to come back to Elixir.
The panel considers how these choices rarely are purely driven by technological qualities but instead have to factor in cultural- and knowledge-aspects of a team, and how a top-down dictated technology decision - even if there are good reasons for it - can be harmful to a team's morale.
Get in touch with Danny via email! Click here.
The panel considers how these choices rarely are purely driven by technological qualities but instead have to factor in cultural- and knowledge-aspects of a team, and how a top-down dictated technology decision - even if there are good reasons for it - can be harmful to a team's morale.
Get in touch with Danny via email! Click here.
- Quiup A Perfect Pickup
- Choice of Technology at Quiqup
- EventStoreDB - the event database for today's fast moving, event-driven systems
- GitHub - commanded/commanded: Use Commanded to build Elixir CQRS/ES applications
- Elixir for Programmers
- GitHub - quiqupltd/libelection: Library to perform leader election in a cluster of containerized Elixir nodes
- Connect Livebook to Elixir in Kubernetes
- Twitter: @dannyhawkins
- Danny- Onward - The ultimate VR Mil-Sim tactical shooter
- Danny- Treadmill for Standing Desk (Danny has a Sparnod)
- Danny- Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps
- Sascha- KanDDDinsky - The art of business software