Sophie DeBenedetto rejoins the mix to discuss the latest developments in LiveView and how to use it to best effect in your Phoenix applications.
She also discusses co-authoring the book "Programming Phoenix LiveView" with Bruce Tate and how the future of the project will drive the future of the book.
- Adi Iyengar
- Allen Wyma
- Charles Max Wood
- Sascha Wolf
- Sophie DeBenedetto
- LiveView Integration Tests in Elixir | AppSignal Blog
- ElixirConf 2021 - Chris McCord - The Future of Full-stack - YouTube
- GitHub - grych/drab: Remote controlled frontend framework for Phoenix.
- GitHub - chrismccord/render_sync: Real-time Rails Partials
- Programming Phoenix LiveView: Interactive Elixir Web Programming Without Writing Any JavaScript by Bruce A. Tate and Sophie DeBenedetto
- Beam Radio
- Twitter: Sophie DeBenedetto ( @sm_debenedetto )
- Adi- GitHub - elixir-lang/elixir: Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications
- Allen- Rust With Flutter
- Charles- Scythe – Stonemaier Games
- Sascha- Tabletop Simulator
- Sophie- Programming Phoenix LiveView
- Sophie- Timeline
Special Guest: Sophie DeBenedetto.
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