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Discussion on: Which editor/IDE do you use and why?

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I use Vim for text (code) editing. Python, small C/C++ projects, makefiles, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Lua, and just general text file editing.

If I'm working on a .NET project (C# or F#), I use Visual Studio. Resharper for C# is a must, but I admit I haven't tried CodeRush.

If I'm working on a C/C++ project for Windows, I also use Visual Studio.

If I'm working on an iOS or macOS project (Objective-C, Objective-C++, C, C++, Swift), I use Xcode.


Vim "clicked" for me. It's power, and it's "keeping your fingers on the keyboard home row" gets the editor out of the way, and I can "become one" with my code. Very zen.

Visual Studio is a solid IDE. Big and heavy-weight, but very appropriate for "thousands of source files" large projects.

Xcode is the leading IDE for macOS or iOS development. I find it to be okay, although there have been occasional unstable releases. Like Visual Studio, Xcode can support "thousands of source files" large projects.

Why not these?

I used to use Emacs for a couple years, but it never was to my liking. I gave it a serious try, and I wanted to like it, because... Lisp. But no. The first day I tried vi and figured out the modal basics and how to save a file and how to exit vi, I was hooked and switched from Emacs never to look back. Vim is vi with the addition of tons of lovely chrome and fins.

Visual Studio Code and Atom both seem nice, and are both undergoing very active development. Neither will replace Vim for me. But since they both have a very active community, I expect that both will vie for the hearts and minds and address the aforementioned woes. The "activate-power-mode" is a "killer app" plug-in, and should be on every platform.

I've used BorlandC++, and have fond memories of it. I have not kept up with the latest developments in the past could decades. It may still be awesome... don't know.

I've used Eclipse, around Java 1.4 era. I was impressed with it as a top-notch Java IDE. My Java friends are fiercely loyal to IntelliJ. I think both are good platforms. If I get back into Java programming (unlikely), I'd be happy with either platform.

The other various JetBrains platforms definitely look like very viable alternatives to Visual Studio or Xcode. I just have not had the time to see if they can handle my very large cross-platform project, which has about 230,000 files. Xcode and Visual Studio can handle them.

Unlike a previous poster, I was never enamored with Smalltalk IDE, nor the Squeak IDE. I also am not a fan of Forte IDE nor PowerBuilder IDE.