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Cover image for My first time coding a To do list.
Emmanuella Ene
Emmanuella Ene

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My first time coding a To do list.

So,I had seen a lot of designers coding a to do list and I felt it would be easy, but guess what? It wasn't.!

I always have the belief that whenever i involved myself into anything,it must be unique.
And i planned on making my first to do list unique also.

I had a lot of problems, ranging from, deleting list,creating a collapsible for all my list items.But, one thing I've learnt as a developer is

"Never give up, you could give your mind time to cool off but never give up."

I still have some difficulties like canceling a list item (toggling between a line through and text decoration-none) in my to-do list.
I'm open to any ideas as to how to make it work
And also the experience has been absolutely amazing.

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