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Emma Thunberg
Emma Thunberg

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Best Practices for Migrating from Heroku to AWS

Migrating from Heroku to Amazon Web Services (AWS): Essential Considerations and Best Practices

In today's cloud-centric era, businesses frequently face critical decisions when selecting the appropriate platform for hosting their applications. This article delves into the essential considerations, challenges, and best practices for migrating from Heroku to Amazon Web Services (AWS). We compare Heroku and AWS in terms of scalability, ease of use, and cost to illustrate why enterprises might favor the enhanced flexibility and control provided by AWS over Heroku's simplicity. Additionally, the article covers specific migration steps such as configuring networking, databases, caches, and automation pipelines in AWS, along with common pitfalls associated with manual migration.

Understand UI Differences

Heroku UI:

Image of Heroku UI dashboard

  • Simplicity: Heroku's user interface is known for its simplicity and user-friendliness, making it easy for developers to manage applications without a steep learning curve.
  • Dashboard: The Heroku dashboard provides an intuitive and clean layout, allowing users to easily navigate between different applications, resources, and add-ons.
  • Deployment: Deploying applications on Heroku is streamlined, with options to deploy via Git, GitHub, or using Heroku’s own CLI.
  • Add-ons Marketplace: Heroku offers an integrated marketplace for add-ons, where users can quickly find and install third-party services such as databases, monitoring tools, and more.


Image of AWS UI dashboard

  • Complexity and Flexibility: AWS's user interface is more complex compared to Heroku, reflecting its extensive range of services and configurations available to users.
  • Management Console: The AWS Management Console is feature-rich, offering detailed control over a vast array of services. However, this can be overwhelming for new users.
  • Service Navigation: Navigating through AWS services requires familiarity with the platform, as the interface includes numerous services and settings that may not be immediately intuitive.
  • Customization: AWS allows for a high degree of customization and automation, which can significantly benefit advanced users looking to tailor their environment to specific needs.

Best Practices for Getting Accustomed to the AWS UI

Image of Aws Network Implementation

  • Leverage AWS Training Courses: Enroll in AWS training courses to gain a comprehensive understanding of the capabilities and functionalities of various AWS services.
  • Start Small: Begin with a few essential services and gradually expand your usage. This approach helps manage complexity and prevents feeling overwhelmed.
  • Refer to Documentation: When exploring new services, rely on AWS documentation instead of prior knowledge. AWS documentation is thorough and provides up-to-date information on service features and configurations.
  • Get Certified: Consider obtaining certifications in key services like EC2, S3, and VPC. These certifications validate your knowledge and provide a structured learning path to mastering AWS services.

While the intricate AWS interface may initially seem daunting, dedicating time to learn best practices can unlock the full potential of AWS.

Migrate Networks Effectively

Replicating the network isolation on Heroku to your AWS VPC architecture is crucial for the security of your application.

Best Practices for Setting Up VPC Architecture in AWS:

  1. Define Subnets, Route Tables, and Security Groups:

    • Mirror or enhance the isolation provided by Heroku.
    • Segregate resources like databases, ECS instances, and ElastiCache Redis instances into private subnets to prevent direct external access.
    • Allocate public subnets for resources requiring external connectivity.
  2. Leverage Redundancy for Fault Tolerance:

    • Use multiple availability zones to ensure high availability and fault tolerance.
  3. Regulate Traffic Flow:

    • Use network access control lists (NACLs) and security groups to control inbound and outbound traffic within the VPC.
  4. Monitor and Safeguard Network Traffic:

    • Utilize VPC Flow Logs and AWS Network Firewall to monitor and secure your network traffic.

Key Steps for Setting Up a VPC:

  1. Design a VPC Diagram:

    • Map out public, private, database, ElastiCache, and other subnets.
  2. Configure Route Tables:

    • Manage inter-subnet and internet traffic flows using well-defined route tables.
  3. Set Up NACLs and Security Groups:

    • Align them to the VPC diagram to control traffic flow and enhance security.
  4. Launch EC2 Instances:

    • Place instances in subnets based on public vs private segmentation requirements.
  5. Enable VPC Flow Logs:

    • Monitor traffic to and from your VPC for enhanced security and troubleshooting.

Properly configuring VPC infrastructure is complex but essential for securing AWS-hosted applications. Referencing AWS best practices and documentation can ease the transition from Heroku’s simplified networking.

Migrate the Database

Image of aws data migration

Steps to Migrate from Heroku Database to Amazon RDS:

  1. Verify Version Compatibility:

    • Ensure your existing Heroku database engine version is compatible with Amazon RDS.
  2. Evaluate Database Requirements:

    • Assess your database needs, including storage, memory, and compute requirements, and select the appropriate RDS instance type.
  3. Create Database Instance:

    • Follow the AWS tutorial to create a database instance using the RDS management console or APIs.
  4. Leverage AWS Database Migration Service (DMS):

    • Use DMS to minimize downtime by replicating data changes from the Heroku database to RDS in real-time.
  5. Test and Optimize:

    • Thoroughly test and optimize the sizes and configurations of your RDS instances to meet your workload demands.
  6. Enable Automated Backup and Snapshots:

    • Set up automated backups and database snapshots for disaster recovery.


Migrating from Heroku to AWS is a significant undertaking that requires meticulous planning and execution across various domains such as networks, databases, automation, monitoring, and more. While Heroku offers simplicity, AWS provides the scalability, flexibility, and infrastructure control that growing enterprises need.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Leverage AWS Training and Documentation:

    • Utilize AWS training courses and documentation to fully understand and harness the platform's extensive capabilities.
  2. Build VPC Diagrams:

    • Create detailed VPC diagrams that align with your isolation requirements before implementation to ensure a robust network architecture.
  3. Choose DMS for Real-Time Replication:

    • Use AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) for real-time data replication to prevent downtime during database migration.
  4. Implement CI/CD with CodePipeline and CodeDeploy:

    • Set up AWS CodePipeline and CodeDeploy to facilitate rapid and efficient application updates.
  5. Monitor and Audit:

    • Utilize AWS CloudWatch for monitoring and AWS CloudTrail for auditing activities across regions to maintain oversight and security.

While migrating from Heroku to AWS presents challenges, companies that dedicate the necessary time and resources can achieve significant benefits in terms of scale, cost savings, and innovation velocity over the long term.

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