DEV Community

Emmanuel Lopez
Emmanuel Lopez

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They keep forcing me to make accounts...

Ok, so I just signed up for this application development course about Ruby on Rails, so chance to get into a cohort and actually get $$$ for what I do.

They have a different feed notification system than I do.
This means that they're asking me (and others) to ask questions on a specific website,, discord server, website, and google calendar, and this level of dilution is not okay. Usually I keep everything on ONE plain text document, this IMHO, is a mess and it takes in considerable work just to keep updated with everything. Feels like work without progress, BUT I understand why they're doing this. Each of these systems has it's own pros and cons, and their information relay system, much like software dev, isn't centralized or neat or simple. It's a god awful cluster fuck that resembles the subject studied. So what's the solution to this?

Centralization. I had a similar problem with my Discord server a year ago. I kept putting good information in there as a convenient place to put information, but then my stuff got lost in the archives of time. It seemed like that if I wanted to share something I would have to make it confusing for myself, but then I realized these two things.

AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! As I was writing this very blog post, the platform deleted what I just wrote. This PROVES in my mind, that leaning the newest fanciest tools is a good way to be unreliable.

And they refuse to publish unless my links pass a check WTF?

This stuff works in ITERATIONS and every time it passes the loop it gets a bit smaller? In order to develop the thought meaningfully in a reproducible manner, I have to write about it, not for those words but for what they will produce! I realized I could take my low grade, low information dense, first draft writings, share them publicly, then take the result of those meditations and plug them into my own info systems! That way I'm still sharing what I'm doing, but also I'm writing meaningful notes for myself.

This is what I'm going to be writing in my own notebooks.
||scm feed|Use social media as brainstorming tool, then pocket distillate

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