Related Episodes
- Episode 35: SwiftUI - The Good, the Bad, and the Benefits
- Episode 18: WWDC 2019 - Apple Watch with Gary Sabo
- Episode 15: Test-Driven Development with Joshua Greene and Michael Katz
Related Links
- Jeff's talk from Code Mash - Taking Control of Errors in Swift
- How To Test fatalError In Swift by Marco Santa
- A guide to Charles Proxy by Nelida Velazquez
- Running Real Tests on watchOS - Jeff Kelley
- Leo's sample code for testing for fatalError
BrightDigit- Specialize in helping businesses build apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch
- 10 years of experience developing for a variety of Apple platform
- Helping dev shops which lack experience with Apple platforms and Swift
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What is special about errors in Swift
- The history of Objective-C and Swift errors
- The strong-typed nature of Swift
- fatalError vs assert vs precondition
- How to test fatalError in unit tests
What are some ways to handle errors?
- User initiated errors and dialogs
- Chaining logging and error tracking
- Differentiating release and debug build
- Using proxy server to listen to requests in debug
- When to purposely crash with fatalError
- Dealing with asynchronous callbacks and Combine
- What is the Never type?
- Dealing with permission prompts like HealthKit
What can teams do to design and develop for errors
- Use a service to track errors for developers
- Showing the user the correct information
- Dealing with issues which aren't errors
- Designers should show how errors are handled
- Design the write localized messages for errors
- With agile development, make sure each error path is handled in your story card
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BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdion
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Patreon - empowerappshow
Music from"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (
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