- John Knox - Twitter @windaddict - LinkedIn
Previous Episodes
Episode 12 - iOS Developer Interviews with Alex BushSponsors
BrightDigit- Specialize in helping businesses build apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch
- 10 years of experience developing for a variety of Apple platform
- Helping dev shops which lack experience with Apple platforms and Swift
We have an opening for sponsors
- Do you have a product or service which can target our ever growing community of developers as well as technology and business leaders?
Business of Software Highlights
iOS Hiring Challenges
- Lack of Experience and Understand of iOS Development
- Cargo Cult Interview Style (and Burying Dead Bodiesπ±?)
- Lack of Training Resources for Employees
- Not Oppurtunities for Growth
- Lack of Organization Skills in HR/Recruiting
Getting Hired
- Dealing with HR Automation
- Finding the Right Person at the Company?
- LinkedIn vs Twitter
What Companies Should Look For?
- How John Does Coding Challenges
- Finding Coding Style
- Have Little to No Complex Dependencies
- Seeing Actual Experience
Social Media
Twitter - @brightdigitFacebook - BrightDigitLinkedIn - BrightDigitInstagram - @brightdigitPatreon - empowerappshow