Related Episodes
- Episode 15: Test-Driven Development with Joshua Greene and Michael Katz
- Episode 8: Cloud and Backend Services For Apps
Related Links
- We Read Too
- Apple's Developer Docs on Notifications
- Beams by Pusher
- NWPusher by noodlewerk
- Preparing Your App For iOS 12 Notifications by Kaya Thomas - Smashing Magazine
BrightDigit- Specialize in helping businesses build apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch
- 10 years of experience developing for a variety of Apple platform
- Helping dev shops which lack experience with Apple platforms and Swift
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Why Notifications Are Important
- Can encourage user engagement
- Notify of updates and messages
- Need to be trustworthy and needless
- Onboarding helps make Notifications more welcoming
What are the different types of Notifications?
- Local vs Remote Push Notifications
- Remote Notifications are ideal for complex logic and messaging
- How Rich Notifications Work
What the challenges in implementation of Notifications?
- Using Enums to Implement Notifications
- How Categories and Actions Work
- Using NWPusher to Test Remote Notifications
- Big Improvement Coming to Xcode 11.4
- How to Unit Test with Abstractions and Mocking
How Push Notifications Work?
- Implementing Remote Notifications on the Server
- Using Cloud Based Services for Push Notifications such as Firebase
- Using Beams for Testing Push Notifications
- How APNS works
- Dealing with APNS Issues
- Understanding APNS Throttling
How to making Notifications part of the design process?
- How would Notification make the app more useful?
- Would it help the user engage more?
- Keep complex actions in the app as opposed to the Notification UI
- Being responsible with how Notifications are used
- Stay up-to-date with Apple's guidelines
Social Media
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdion
Instagram - @brightdigit
Patreon - empowerappshow
Music from"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (
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