Key Points From This Episode:
- Jenell’s journey into coding and how she fell into front end and UX development.
- Job titles in the UI/UX space and perspectives on the difference between the two.
- Diving deeper into the difference between a UX designer and a UX developer.
- Challenges UX developers face at different stages of an app’s development.
- How clients test apps in their beta phase and developers solve problems they find.
- Perspectives on how to decide when an accessibility issue can no longer be ignored.
- Struggles between accessibility ethics and the profit-focused priorities of stakeholders.
- How important it is for developers to have soft skills like EQ and empathy.
- The importance of making your code accessible to other developers too.
- Readability issues in code such as how to write the index variable in a JavaScript loop.
- Pet-peeves about best practices and language features of JavaScript.
- This week’s top picks; games, TV shows, and books!
- “That's my goal in life is to ensure that people forget that they're actually even using the application, because it becomes such a normal part of their life, that it just becomes second nature.” — @nellarro [0:01:43]
- “It's a human right to be able to use the Internet. I feel as developers, we need to make sure that all humans can use the web, period.” — @nellarro [0:28:08]
- “I think that's really important is making sure that your code is readable for an engineer to be able to look at your code and be like, ‘I get that. I see what's happening.’” — @nellarro [0:33:19]
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
- Jenell Pizarro on LinkedIn
- Jenell Pizarro on Twitter
- Alex the CSS Husky
- Chakra UI
- Lodash
- The Crown
- Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
- Among Us
- Against Empathy
- N.K. Jemisin
- Aunty Donna’s Big Ol’ House of Fun
- AnimeJS
- Your Korean Dad, Nick Cho (TikTok)
- Difficult Conversations
- The Escapists 2
- Enjoy the Vue on Twitter
- Enjoy the Vue
Special Guest: Jenell Pizarro.