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Difference between =, ==, and === in JavaScript

First, What is an operator?

JavaScript operators are used to assign values, compare values, perform arithmetic operations e.t.c.

Classes of Operators

*Assignment Operators
*Arithmetic Operators
*Comparison Operators
*String Operators
*Conditional Operators
*Logical Operators
*Bitwise Operators
*Relational Operators
*Unary Operators and more...

For this article, I will only focus on those operators that include =, ==, ===.

Assignment Operators

Assignment operators assign values to variables in JavaScript. It assigns values to its left operand based on the value of its right operand.
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Arithmetic Operators

They perform an arithmetic operation between numerical variables and/or values. They include +, -, (*), (/), %, ++, --.
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Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used in determining the equality or difference between variables or values. Comparison operators are further divided into two, the equality operators and relational operators.

Equality Operators

  1. Equality Operator (==) equal to
  2. Inequality operator (!=) not equal
  3. Identity operators (===) equal value and equal type
  4. NonIdentity operators (!==) not equal value and not equal type

Equality Operator (==)

This checks whether its two operands are equal and returns a boolean result.
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Identity Operator ===

The strict equality operator (===) checks whether its two operands are equal and of the same type, returning a Boolean result.
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Differences between =, ==, ===;

  1. Firstly, = is an assignment operator whereas the other two are equality (comparison) operators.
  2. = assigns a value to a variable. == compares two variables while ignoring the data type of each variable. === compares two variables in terms of its values and data types (string, number).
  3. = returns a string or number == returns a boolean expression, true if the values are equal and false if they are not. === also returns a boolean expression, true if both the values and data types are equal and false if either value/datatype is not equal.

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