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Emmanuel Os
Emmanuel Os

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Think You’re Doing It Right as a Software Engineer?

Article Overview:

2024 is shaping up to be a transformative year for software engineering, with new trends, frameworks, and methodologies challenging developers to rethink what they know. This article will delve into the state of modern software engineering, covering the essential technical skills, overlooked practices, and potential blind spots in three key areas: Web Development, Backend Development, and Mobile Development.

We’ll dissect each field, explore the latest practices, and identify where software engineers often go astray, focusing on the real issues:


The Comfort Zone of Complacency
Imagine a scenario: A senior frontend engineer, Joe, confidently codes a complex React app. He’s been in the industry for a decade and thinks his skills are up-to-date because he follows popular trends. However, his application is suffering from sluggish performance and his team is always firefighting bugs during deployments. Joe wonders: What am I missing? The issue isn’t the code alone—it’s the mindset of being too comfortable and not questioning his approach as the technology landscape evolves.

This article explores the traps engineers like Joe fall into and the technical nuances that separate good from great developers in 2024.

1. Web Development in 2024: Beyond the Frontend Framework Wars

Misuse of Modern Frameworks

Real-life Example: Imagine a developer using React.js for a small static website. React’s initial render times are slower compared to static site generators like Next.js or Astro. The developer may argue, “I know React, so I’ll use React,” but this decision impacts performance and SEO negatively. This misuse of frameworks is a common issue.

  • Solution: For a content-heavy website, use static site generators like Gatsby or Astro, which can optimize for performance and build static pages that are faster to load.
SSR vs. CSR: Understanding the Trade-offs

Real-life Example: A high-traffic e-commerce site relies heavily on Client-Side Rendering (CSR) and uses React hooks for rendering products. During peak sales, their server experiences high CPU usage, and the pages take too long to load, resulting in a drop in conversion rates.

  • Solution: Switch to Server-Side Rendering (SSR) using frameworks like Next.js to reduce server load and ensure faster initial load times, leading to better user experiences.
Design Systems and Accessibility

Real-life Example: A popular SaaS application, designed beautifully, struggles to accommodate visually impaired users. The team realized too late that they never accounted for screen reader compatibility or keyboard navigation.

  • Solution: Implement a design system that prioritizes accessibility. Use tools like Storybook to test component accessibility, ensuring color contrast ratios and ARIA attributes are set correctly.
Common Pitfalls: Overusing Libraries or Ignoring New Tools

Real-life Example: A team uses a heavy date-handling library like Moment.js across the app. In 2024, they realize that smaller, modern libraries like date-fns could achieve the same functionality with less performance overhead.

  • Solution: Regularly audit your libraries and adopt leaner alternatives like date-fns or day.js. Staying updated with tools like BundlePhobia helps identify the cost of each dependency.

2. Backend Development in 2024: Performance, Scaling, and Cloud-Native Architectures

Microservices Gone Wrong

Real-life Example: A startup, in an attempt to follow the "microservices hype," splits their application into 20 services. Each service communicates with another via HTTP calls, leading to an overly complex network. During scaling, the application becomes almost impossible to manage, and latency issues creep up, delaying feature releases.

  • Solution: Apply a "right-size" approach. Start small, using a monolithic or modular monolith design, and split services only when necessary. Tools like Dapr or service meshes like Istio can help manage service communication efficiently.
Event-Driven Architectures Misuse

Real-life Example: A logistics company adopts Kafka to build an event-driven architecture. Instead of simplifying processes, they now face a chaotic data flow and debugging has become a nightmare because no one has a clear overview of how events propagate through the system.

  • Solution: Use event-driven architectures only when a clear benefit, such as real-time analytics or complex event handling, outweighs the added complexity. Focus on building observability using tools like OpenTelemetry for tracing.
Kubernetes Overkill

Real-life Example: A small business with only a few services tries to migrate to Kubernetes, thinking it’s the industry standard. The overhead of managing Kubernetes clusters outweighs its benefits. The team spends more time fighting with Kubernetes configurations than developing new features.

  • Solution: Use simpler container orchestration solutions like Docker Compose for small-scale applications. Adopt Kubernetes only when scaling and high availability are a must.
Security and Compliance: Adapting to Regulations

Real-life Example: A fintech startup fails a security audit because they didn’t account for new European regulations like PSD2. This mistake costs them a significant partnership.

  • Solution: Proactively build security into your pipeline using automated compliance tools like Open Policy Agent (OPA) and regularly update systems based on regulatory changes.
Database Decisions: Picking the Right Storage

Real-life Example: A company chooses a NoSQL database like MongoDB for a financial application, only to discover that complex transactions are a nightmare to implement. They end up rewriting significant portions of their backend.

  • Solution: Understand your data needs. For complex relational data, consider using PostgreSQL or a NewSQL database like CockroachDB. For flexible schema and document storage, MongoDB or FaunaDB might be a better fit.

3. Mobile Development in 2024: Moving Beyond the Basics

State Management Overuse

Real-life Example: A React Native app uses Redux for every component state, leading to convoluted, unmaintainable code. The app suffers from slow state updates and the developer spends more time refactoring than building features.

  • Solution: Use simpler solutions like the Context API or Zustand for local state. Reserve Redux for managing global app states that need cross-component sharing.
Cross-Platform Confusion

Real-life Example: A team starts with React Native but switches to Flutter mid-project because of performance concerns. They spend months rewriting code, only to realize that the performance bottlenecks were due to poor state management, not the framework.

  • Solution: Pick a framework based on your team’s strengths and project requirements. Tools like Expo for React Native simplify development, while Flutter excels in scenarios where UI consistency is paramount.
Ignoring Device Capabilities

Real-life Example: An app that performs well on high-end devices fails on mid-range Android phones due to poor memory management and overuse of animations.

  • Solution: Test your app on a variety of devices, focusing on optimizing memory usage and performance. Tools like Android Profiler and Xcode Instruments can identify bottlenecks early.

4. Trends and Technologies to Watch: What’s Rising and What’s Fading?

AI-Enhanced Development Tools

Real-life Example: A team using GitHub Copilot reduces development time by 20% by automating repetitive coding tasks. However, they also realize that relying too heavily on it introduces subtle bugs due to over-reliance.

  • Solution: Use AI as an assistant, not a replacement. Always review and refactor code generated by AI tools to ensure quality.
Edge Computing

Real-life Example: A SaaS provider uses Cloudflare Workers to serve dynamic content closer to users, reducing latency by 50%. This move significantly improves their user retention in regions with slower network speeds.

  • Solution: Adopt edge computing to reduce latency for global users. Explore platforms like Vercel, Cloudflare, or AWS Lambda@Edge for building performant edge applications.

Conclusion: "Do You Really Know What You’re Doing?"

In a field as fast-paced as software engineering, thinking you’ve mastered a technology can be a dangerous mindset. Always be ready to question your approach, stay updated with industry shifts, and embrace the discomfort of constant learning. After all, what worked yesterday might be holding you back today.

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