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Split Data into Multiple Worksheets with Set of Rows using Macros (VBA) in Excel!!

In this tutorial, we will guide you to know the simple instructions to split data into multiple worksheets with a set of rows using Macros (VBA) in Excel Office 365. With the help of macros, we can easily split data into multiple worksheets based on row count. Let’s get into this article.

Split Data into Multiple Worksheets by Row Count:

Kindly, follow the below instructions to split data into multiple sheets in Excel.

  • Assuming that, we have a list of data with 6 rows , and we want to split them into multiple worksheets by row count of every two data.

Input range
Input range

  • On the Developer Tab, select the Visual Basic option under the Code section.

Select Visual Basic option
Select the Visual Basic option

  • Then you need to copy and paste the code given below.

VBA code to split data using Macros

Sub SplitWorksheet()

Dim lngLastRow As Long

Dim lngNumberOfRows As Long

Dim lngI As Long

Dim strMainSheetName As String

Dim currSheet As Worksheet

Dim prevSheet As Worksheet

‘Number of rows to split among worksheets

lngNumberOfRows = 2

‘Current worksheet in workbook

Set prevSheet = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet

‘First worksheet name

strMainSheetName = prevSheet.Name

‘Number of rows in worksheet

lngLastRow = prevSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

‘Worksheet counter for added worksheets

lngI = 1

While lngLastRow > lngNumberOfRows

Set currSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add

With currSheet

.Move after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)

.Name = strMainSheetName + “(” + CStr(lngI) + “)”

End With

With prevSheet.Rows(lngNumberOfRows + 1 & “:” & lngLastRow).EntireRow

.Cut currSheet.Range(“A1”)

End With

lngLastRow = currSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

Set prevSheet = currSheet

lngI = lngI + 1


End Sub

  • You need to save the code by selecting it. Then close the window.

Save the code
Save the code

  • You have to open the sheet containing the data. On the Developer Tab, choose the Macros option in the Code section.

Choose the Macros option
Choose the Macros option

  • You need to make sure that your macro is selected and click the Run button.

Click the Run button
Click the Run button

  • Finally, you will see the result as shown in the below image.



In this tutorial, we guided you to know the steps to split data into multiple worksheets with a set of rows using Macros (VBA) in Excel Office 365. Share your feedback in the below comment section. Thanks for visiting Geek Excel. Keep Learning!

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