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Discussion on: Angular or React which one to learn first?

existentialalex profile image

It entirely depends on your background and interests.

Angular as mentioned by others is more opinionated but comes with more out of the box, so there's less running around trying to find what works for you. Having said that though Angular does have it's own structures and ways of developing that can take a little bit of time to understand at first but once you wrap your head around the concepts it's really quite straight-forward. Plus, typescript out of the box is a must for me just because you can actually write type-safe code.

React is another beast entirely. It's extremely powerful and with the move to hooks allows you to get up and running extremely quickly with incredibly low bundle sizes when you compile everything. You need to learn JSX (or TSX if you fancy typescript in react) but that's a fairly straightforward thing.

I think in terms of your initial learning, especially if you're just starting out, react is the way to go. I'm a diehard Angular developer but I can see that React has a better initial user experience and with it being more widely used has more online guides and jobs.

That isn't to say don't learn Angular. It's used by a lot of large corporates due to it's stability with larger scale applications and where it's a bit more difficult to learn puts you into a bit of a niche when it comes to career development.

It's also worth looking at Vue and Svelte. Both are amazing.

Whatever your choice, good luck going forward and it will be interesting to hear what your initial experience with all of it is.

sudharsh_em profile image
Sudharsh EM

Thanks for your precious time explaining. I really appreciate it. I would like to try React as my first frond end framework. Since I see many developers recommending it. Thanks Again.

existentialalex profile image

No worries. All the best. :)