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How to Use Groovy Bot?

Running or being part of a Discord server is quite an engaging and demanding task. Especially if you’re moderating a Discord server, time can fly like no other, and before you know it, you’ve got tons of tasks remaining, and you’ve only crossed one item off your list.

While Discord is a fantastic place to start a community on anything you’re passionate about, moderating large servers, including chat rooms, voice rooms, etc., can be quite a demanding task. And on top of that, you need to keep fellow members engaged and interested as well. Here is where bots come to the rescue by allowing you to moderate your Discord server and add some fun at the same time.

There are so many moderation bots to choose from. Each with its own unique commands and features that make managing and running a server a painless task, and today we’re going to be talking about the Groovy bot.
But before we head on into all the details, if you’re interested to learn more about other bots like Dyno Bot or Carl Bot for Discord, we’ve made extensive posts on them, too, so check them out.

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty details of Groovy Bot.

The Ultimate Guide[] to Use Groovy Bot on Discord to play, add or remove music on your voice channel with Groovy Bot Commands prefix.

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